The Graphic Art of Tattoo Lettering | 誠品線上

The Graphic Art of Tattoo Lettering

作者 B.J. Betts/ Nick Schonberger
商品描述 The Graphic Art of Tattoo Lettering:TheGraphicArtofTattooLetteringisavisuallyled,comprehensiveguidetodesigningandrealizinghand-drawnletterformsinthemostwidelyu


內容簡介 The Graphic Art of Tattoo Lettering is a visually led, comprehensive guide to designing and realizing hand-drawn letterforms in the most widely used contemporary tattoo styles. Each chapter constitutes an accessible overview to these key tattoo styles, including an account of the history, complexities and relevant sub-styles, interviews spotlighting leading practitioners, galleries of exemplary artists' work, sketches, sketchbooks, finished designs and detailed how-to-design guides to allow readers to truly understand each style. More than a step-by-step, technical handbook for professional and practising tattoo artists, The Graphic Art of Tattoo Lettering is also an informative introduction to both understanding tattoo styles, their history and context, and learning from them to inform other graphic arts. Touching on the role of lettering in tattooing, as well as considering the components of typographic tattoos, it offers an insight into how tattoo art intersects with other areas of design practice, including sign-making, furniture painting and scrimshaw. Combining great book design with the inimitable expertise of a master tattoo artist, The Graphic Art of Tattoo Lettering is the ultimate guide for all with an interest or involvement in tattoo art, typography and calligraphy, and graphic design.


作者介紹 B.J. Betts Nick SchonbergerBJ Betts is based in Wilmington, Delaware, and is one of the most influential tattoo artists working today. Nicholas Schonberger is a writer, blogger, and critic of fashion, culture, and music. He lives in New York.


書名 / The Graphic Art of Tattoo Lettering
作者 / B.J. Betts Nick Schonberger
簡介 / The Graphic Art of Tattoo Lettering:TheGraphicArtofTattooLetteringisavisuallyled,comprehensiveguidetodesigningandrealizinghand-drawnletterformsinthemostwidelyu
ISBN13 / 9780500241530
ISBN10 / 0500241538
EAN / 9780500241530
誠品26碼 / 2681786626004
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.9X16.4X0CM
級別 / N:無