Moonlight Travellers | 誠品線上

Moonlight Travellers

作者 Quentin Blake/ Will Self
商品描述 Moonlight Travellers:‘Themoondriveseveryonemad–youknowthat,wellenough.Butthisisnolycanthropicorotherwisespookymetamorphosis:it'sfarstrangerthanthat…’WhenQu


內容簡介 插畫教父 Quentin Blake 、知名作家 Will Self聯手出擊 文字和圖像的完美融合,黑夜的魅力就此展開 一本為了刺激讀者想像力的作品,由英國藝術家、有插畫教父之稱的QuentinBlake和被《經濟時報》稱做現代最有想像力作家之一的Will Self聯手打造,創造出一本讓喜愛文學、圖像藝術的讀者無法抗拒的精彩作品。 黑夜降臨,光影交錯,如夢似真,冒險才正要開始…… Quentin Blake的水彩畫遇上了黑色又充滿奇幻感的幽默,創造出夢境般的奇幻氛圍,將夜幕之中的隱藏景色一一揭開,搭配的文字來自作家Will Self之手,他將現實、虛構、記憶之間的界線模糊,帶著讀者走入一趟奇幻旅程,彷彿踩著他的文字就能飛進另一個世界。兩大創作家的跨世紀合作,挑戰讀者的想像力,他們說:反正,至少在人類歷史的尾端,沒有任何一件是比搭車旅行來來得平淡了。‘The moon drives everyone mad – you know that, well enough. But this is no lycanthropic or otherwise spooky metamorphosis: it's far stranger than that…’ When Quentin Blake embarked on creating a set of new drawings on fantasies of travel, even he had not envisaged a series so sombre, so haunting, as Moonlight Travellers. These watercolour journeys through unknown landscapes capture, with unmatched skill, all the mystery and intrigue of the dead of night. A unique collaboration, this book brings Blake's macabre wit into dialogue with the imaginative insight of Will Self. With characteristic sharpness, Self mingles fiction, fact and flights of memory to transport the reader on a radical tour of Blake's mysterious lands. In Moonlight Travellers, two creative minds at the height of their powers connect word and image, darkness and light with our deepest sensibilities. In eight-wheeled contraptions and winged machines, they carry us on a trail of dreamlike journeys. After all, ‘there's nothing more prosaic – at least, at this end of human history – than a car journey.’


作者介紹 Quentin Blake Will SelfQuentin Blake is arguably the UK's most treasured illustrator and has illustrated over 300 books. Known for his collaborations with esteemed writers including Roald Dahl, John Yeoman, Michael Rosen and Russell Hoban, Blake's work is universally recognised and adored. Quentin Blake received a knighthood for his services to illustration in 2013 and in 2014 was admitted to the Legion d'honneur in France.


書名 / Moonlight Travellers
作者 / Quentin Blake Will Self
簡介 / Moonlight Travellers:‘Themoondriveseveryonemad–youknowthat,wellenough.Butthisisnolycanthropicorotherwisespookymetamorphosis:it'sfarstrangerthanthat…’WhenQu
ISBN13 / 9780500022733
ISBN10 / 0500022739
EAN / 9780500022733
誠品26碼 / 2681782851004
頁數 / 112
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X15.3X0CM
級別 / N:無