Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Sketch to Screen to Site | 誠品線上

Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Sketch to Screen to Site

作者 Edward Hutchison
商品描述 Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Sketch to Screen to Site:透過繪圖概念和設計,教導如何手繪施工現場的傳統繪畫技巧。是景觀建築、園林設計的重要參考書籍,學校圖


內容簡介 透過繪圖概念和設計,教導如何手繪施工現場的傳統繪畫技巧。是景觀建築、園林設計的重要參考書籍,學校圖書館必藏的經典。對於專業設計師、規劃師和在校的景觀園林、城市規劃等專業的學生、喜歡手繪建物的讀者,獲益良多,極具參考價值。在當今設計業界,手繪已經在很大程度上成為一種失傳的藝術。現在大多數設計師的創作都是透過高端科技完成,然而現在業界的態度正在發生變化,強調繪畫的重要性,能夠手繪大型設計方案,才能更有意義、更有創意地展現設計細節與理念。全書完整、細膩地傳授手繪需要的基礎,從構圖、線條、色彩、光影的常用表達技巧,更列舉了許多建築實例,全書500張全彩、100黑白插圖。作者Edward Hutchison本身即為成功的景觀設計師、建築事務所合夥人。This essential publication reintroduces the importance of learning to ‘see by hand’, to visualize large-scale design schemes and explain them through drawing, before using the digital tools that are so crucial to efficient and cost-effective building solutions. Combining traditional drawing techniques with those from CAD rendering, Drawing for Landscape Architecture guides practitioners from their very first impression of a site, through concept and schematic design and client presentation to construction and site drawings, concluding with two case studies that show the final result. Just as hand-drawing returns to design courses around the world, this welcome publication celebrates the best aspects of traditional techniques while incorporating them into today’s digital design methods.Table of Contents1. Absorbing the Landscape • 2. Drawing on Site • 3. Drawing Ideas • 4. Plan, Elevation and Section Drawing • 5. Isometric Drawings • 6. Perspectives • 7. Money Drawings • 8. Construction Detail Drawings • 9. Completed Work: Case Studies


書名 / Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Sketch to Screen to Site
作者 / Edward Hutchison
簡介 / Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Sketch to Screen to Site:透過繪圖概念和設計,教導如何手繪施工現場的傳統繪畫技巧。是景觀建築、園林設計的重要參考書籍,學校圖
ISBN13 / 9780500294888
ISBN10 / 0500294887
EAN / 9780500294888
誠品26碼 / 2681729142004
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 27.3X25.1X0CM
級別 / N:無
