Japanese Style at Home: A Room by Room Guide | 誠品線上

Japanese Style at Home: A Room by Room Guide

作者 Olivia Bays/ Cathelijne Nuijsink/ Tony Seddon
商品描述 Japanese Style at Home: A Room by Room Guide:日式室內設計通常圍繞著一個簡單的哲學──禪,傳統的日式建築中,房屋內所有房間都是為了達到平和和簡約的平衡而存在,室


內容簡介 日式室內設計通常圍繞著一個簡單的哲學──禪,傳統的日式建築中,房屋內所有房間都是為了達到平和和簡約的平衡而存在,室內裝潢也都受到了幾千年來的日本文化影響,整體的美學中心則是沉靜。因此走進傳統日式建築的那瞬間,就能感受到那股寧靜卻強大的力量,似乎身處其中就能放鬆沉澱,這本書即是要教讀者如何打造一座蘊含這股力量的日式建築。書中不僅告訴你設計原理、其背後的文化、各種材質的使用、顏色搭配等,也依不同房間分別介紹玄關、客廳、廚房、餐廳等空間,從經典的日式家具延伸到同樣具有代表性的裝飾品,你可以看到日式房屋必備的榻榻米、屏風和紙燈籠,再以不同的建築個案分析來更深入研究其設計原理,喜愛日式禪風設計的讀者必備!Japanese interiors focus primarily on one simple philosophy, Zen. All the rooms in a traditionally furnished Japanese home strive to achieve a balance of peace and simplicity; their interiors are steeped in centuries of cultural influence, and a sense of calm is key to the whole aesthetic.This handbook shows how to create a tailor-made Japanese home. Working through the house one room at a time, it highlights classic items of furniture and signature accessories, from tatami mats and paper lanterns to shoji (dividing screens). In-depth case studies demonstrate the essential elements and provide inspiration, while colour combinations are explored to help personalize this iconic style for the home.Anyone who hankers after the Japanese look and is eager to bring it to their own home will find this book a valuable resource.Table of ContentsIntroduction to Japanese Style • The Traditional Home • The Philosophies behindthe Style • The Leaders and Icons You Need to Know • Achieving the Look • Welcometo the Japanese home • The Japanese Materials Palette • The Colour Palette • JapaneseDesign Elements • Incorporating Traditional Elements into the Contemporary HomePlants: embracing nature inside and out • Room by Room Guide • Entering • RelaxingCooking • Dining • Cleansing • Resting


書名 / Japanese Style at Home: A Room by Room Guide
作者 / Olivia Bays Cathelijne Nuijsink Tony Seddon
簡介 / Japanese Style at Home: A Room by Room Guide:日式室內設計通常圍繞著一個簡單的哲學──禪,傳統的日式建築中,房屋內所有房間都是為了達到平和和簡約的平衡而存在,室
ISBN13 / 9780500294994
ISBN10 / 0500294992
EAN / 9780500294994
誠品26碼 / 2681685547004
頁數 / 192
注音版 /
裝訂 / S:軟精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X16CM
級別 / N:無
