Kengo Kuma: Complete Works (2 Ed.) | 誠品線上

Kengo Kuma: Complete Works (2 Ed.)

作者 Kengo Kuma/ Kenneth Frampton
商品描述 Kengo Kuma: Complete Works (2 Ed.):日本最重要的在世建築師之一隈研吾建築全集。1990年成立事務所以來,隈研吾在日本國內外進行各種建築計畫,為當時已經非常現代的日本


內容簡介 日本最重要的在世建築師之一隈研吾建築全集。1990年成立事務所以來,隈研吾在日本國內外進行各種建築計畫,為當時已經非常現代的日本建築注入了新的活力。影響他建築風格的,除了母校哥倫比亞大學,還有他的精神導師原廣司帶給他的諸多經驗。他的風格鎔鑄了個人的”負建築”語彙,這種”減法”藝術,只為了回應當地的自然景觀與傳統建築,看似極為當代,但其實完全根植於日本的理性。他的建築使人著迷,令人產生一種安眠之感,有高度的感官性。這樣的特色來自於他能夠巧妙地甚至刻意戲劇化地利用各種建材。過去五年的建案包含兩座法國美術館,義大利的地景計畫,在中國的飯店與大型商業建築,還有在日本為數不少的作品,其中還包括一所幼兒園。本書的出版恰巧是隈研吾設計、親自督建的維多利亞與亞伯特工藝博物館蘇格蘭丹地分館開幕之時,這個新版補增了建築師五件新的作品,為21世紀最偉大建築師之一的心靈做了非凡的詮釋。The comprehensive monograph―now expanded―on one of Japan’s most important living architectsSince establishing his practice in 1990, Kengo Kuma has brought contemporary vigor to Japan’s already rich modern architectural heritage and developed projects far beyond his native country. Influenced by a period at Columbia University in New York and by the lessons of his mentor, Hiroshi Hara, Kuma has forged his own pared-back language: responsive to local nature and traditional construction, entirely contemporary in its execution, yet rooted in a Japanese sensibility.The experience of his buildings is hypnotic and highly sensory. Much of this powerful effect is achieved by Kuma’s deft, sometimes dramatic, use of materials. Projects in the past five years alone include two museums in France, landscape projects in Italy, hotels and large- scale retail and commercial projects in China, and numerous projects in Japan, including a kindergarten.Published to coincide with the opening of Kuma’s new Victoria & Albert Museum in Dundee, Scotland, with the architect’s direct involvement, this volume, expanded to include five new projects, offers unparalleled insight into the mind of one of the great architects of the twenty-first century.420 illustrations, 240 in color"


書名 / Kengo Kuma: Complete Works (2 Ed.)
作者 / Kengo Kuma Kenneth Frampton
簡介 / Kengo Kuma: Complete Works (2 Ed.):日本最重要的在世建築師之一隈研吾建築全集。1990年成立事務所以來,隈研吾在日本國內外進行各種建築計畫,為當時已經非常現代的日本
ISBN13 / 9780500343425
ISBN10 / 050034342X
EAN / 9780500343425
誠品26碼 / 2681581490008
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 29.7X24.1CM
級別 / N:無
