Hand-Drawn Maps: A Creator's Guide | 誠品線上

Hand-Drawn Maps: A Creator's Guide

作者 Helen Cann
商品描述 Hand-Drawn Maps: A Creator's Guide:HandDrawnMapsisafun'howto'bookabouthanddrawncartography.Itisintroducedbyabriefhistoryofmapsandmapmaking,followedbyfivesectio


內容簡介 Hand Drawn Maps is a fun 'how to' book about hand drawn cartography. It is introduced by a brief history of maps and map making, followed by five sections covering everything you need to know to make your own maps. Section 1 covers the practicalities, so by the end of it you are equipped to create your own map using compasses, neatlines, cartouche, handlettering, and your own symbols. Section 2 looks at different types of map, from picture and word maps to architectural blueprints and video game maps. Section 3 uses a wide range of examples to show the reader how to create maps of places, from early strip maps used to describe the journeys taken by 18th-century stagecoaches to dungeon and treasure maps. Section 4 covers maps of ideas. There are exercises throughout to enable the reader to build on the knowledge they have just gained. The book is completed by six stand-alone projects.


書名 / Hand-Drawn Maps: A Creator's Guide
作者 / Helen Cann
簡介 / Hand-Drawn Maps: A Creator's Guide:HandDrawnMapsisafun'howto'bookabouthanddrawncartography.Itisintroducedbyabriefhistoryofmapsandmapmaking,followedbyfivesectio
ISBN13 / 9780500293157
ISBN10 / 0500293155
EAN / 9780500293157
誠品26碼 / 2681430317005
頁數 / 192
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X23.5CM
級別 / N:無
