Rings: Jewelry of Power, Love and Loyalty | 誠品線上

Rings: Jewelry of Power, Love and Loyalty

作者 Diana Scarisbrick
商品描述 Rings: Jewelry of Power, Love and Loyalty:作者將戒指當作一件件藝術品,引經據典輔以精美圖像,帶領讀者搭乘穿越時空的時光機來到古埃及、希臘、羅馬的中古世紀、文藝


內容簡介 �Leaves no illustrative source unturned, embellishing . . . with portraits and oil paintings, engravings, woodcuts, old catalogues, ancient writings, inscriptions, drawings, publicity materials, and early photographs.� �Gems and Gemology This is the first book devoted exclusively to rings to consider them thematically rather than chronologically. The author brings her rich historical and literary knowledge to bear as she considers signets; rings associated with love, marriage and friendship; devotional, protective, and ecclesiastical rings; memento mori and memorial rings; rings associated with famous people and events; decorative rings; diamond rings; and rings as accessories. She helps us delight in them as works of art, and she makes their context come alive through paintings, drawings, and vivid quotations.Rings of all periods are included�from ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome through the Middle Ages and Renaissance up to the twentieth century. The rings are drawn not only from great museums but also from private collections, preeminently that of the noted gem dealer and art patron Benjamin Zucker.


書名 / Rings: Jewelry of Power, Love and Loyalty
作者 / Diana Scarisbrick
簡介 / Rings: Jewelry of Power, Love and Loyalty:作者將戒指當作一件件藝術品,引經據典輔以精美圖像,帶領讀者搭乘穿越時空的時光機來到古埃及、希臘、羅馬的中古世紀、文藝
ISBN13 / 9780500291122
ISBN10 / 0500291128
EAN / 9780500291122
誠品26碼 / 2680779805006
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.5X21.8CM
級別 / N:無