內容簡介 這是一場驚心動魄的人類與病毒對抗戰。從病毒出現到人禍蔓延,所激起的抗疫圍堵戰線,以及這場全球災難可能的結局,本書做了一段史詩般的科學紀實。剖析病毒發展、新冠趨勢、政府行動、世衛功能的第一本書疫情當前,最大敵人不是病毒,是我們自己!我們需要以備戰般認真態度為全球大流行病做好準備。――比爾蓋茲在恐慌與疫情的年代下必讀的啟蒙好書。――英國Kirkus書評每部災難片都始於科學家的話遭人漠視。1957年亞洲流感致命人數兩百萬至四百萬;2003年SARS人人自危,全球付出四百億美元代價;2009年流感奪走超過二十萬條人命,損失五百五十億……過去數十年病毒警示不斷響起,血淚斑斑卻未讓我們學會教訓,更別提防範未然!病毒感染已成為人類最大殺手,更甚戰爭和饑荒。新冠肺炎造成的死亡持續攀升,有些是因不敵病毒,更多是因長期貧困、政治經濟受創、醫療系統不堪負荷而倒下。對抗病毒需要傳染病監測系統、超前部署、圍堵減災、疫苗開發,以及最重要的,敢於任事的國家與國際社會。疫情第一線,剖析病毒發展、新冠趨勢、各國及世衛行動的第一本書。作者以人類戰勝多數傳染病的故事揭開序幕,對比現在如何落得被新冠病毒攻陷。透過科學研究軼事、政府的錯與除錯、世衛進退維谷的角色、疫苗生產的進程與難題,歸納出迫切的因應之道及備戰能力。本中文書介出自《世紀病毒COVID-19: 不該爆發的全球大流行病, 以及如何防止下一場浩劫》商周出版出版 "MacKenzie's fascinating book gives us the scope and scale to be able to put this pandemic in perspective and, it begs the question, will we learn from this in time to prevent to next one? " -Molly Caldwell Crosby, Bestselling author of The American PlagueOne of the Financial Times' Best Science Books of 2020 • In a gripping, accessible narrative, a veteran science journalist lays out the shocking story of how the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic happened and how to make sure this never happens againOver the last 30 years of epidemics and pandemics, we learned nearly every lesson needed to stop this coronavirus outbreak in its tracks. We heeded almost none of them. The result is a pandemic on a scale never before seen in our lifetimes. In this captivating, authoritative, and eye-opening book, science journalist Debora MacKenzie lays out the full story of how and why it happened: the previous viruses that should have prepared us, the shocking public health failures that paved the way, the failure to contain the outbreak, and most importantly, what we must do to prevent future pandemics.Debora MacKenzie has been reporting on emerging diseases for more than three decades, and she draws on that experience to explain how COVID-19 went from a potentially manageable outbreak to a global pandemic. Offering a compelling history of the most significant recent outbreaks, including SARS, MERS, H1N1, Zika, and Ebola, she gives a crash course in Epidemiology 101--how viruses spread and how pandemics end--and outlines the lessons we failed to learn from each past crisis. In vivid detail, she takes us through the arrival and spread of COVID-19, making clear the steps that governments knew they could have taken to prevent or at least prepare for this. Looking forward, MacKenzie makes a bold, optimistic argument: this pandemic might finally galvanize the world to take viruses seriously. Fighting this pandemic and preventing the next one will take political action of all kinds, globally, from governments, the scientific community, and individuals--but it is possible.No one has yet brought together our knowledge of COVID-19 in a comprehensive, informative, and accessible way. But that story can already be told, and Debora MacKenzie's urgent telling is required reading for these times and beyond. It is too early to say where the COVID-19 pandemic will go, but it is past time to talk about what went wrong and how we can do better."
作者介紹 Debora MacKenzie has been covering emerging diseases for more than 30 years as a science journalist for outlets like New Scientist magazine. She has been reporting on COVID-19 from the start, and she was among the first journalists to suggest that it could become a pandemic. From SARs to rabies and Ebola to AIDs, she’s been on the frontline in reporting on how pandemics form, why they spread, and how to stop them throughout her career. In addition to infectious disease, she also specializes in reporting on the science of complexity and social organization. In 2010, she won the American Society for Microbiology Public Communication Award. Before becoming a journalist, she worked as a biomedical researcher.