內容簡介 獲歐巴馬政府授予「變革領袖」和「全球創業精神總統大使」的亞裔美籍創業家楊澤安,他所創立的非營利組織「為美國創業」(Venture for America),幫助許多大學畢業生順利就業。現在,他呼籲的「全民基本收入」(Universal Basic Income, UBI),將有助於處理因自動化而增加失業率所帶來的社會問題。 角逐2020年美國民主黨總統候選人的楊澤安,從一個瘦小的亞裔男孩成為成功的創業家,他認為,美國必須要採取包括「全民基本收入」的緊急行動,以便在快速的科技變化與自動化中穩定經濟。 自動化的趨勢將帶來失業大海嘯,根據預測,未來12年之內,4千5百萬的美國工人即將失業,他們的工作即將被不需要休息且失業率極低的機器人所取代。台灣的命運也將如此,這樣的社會將產生什麼樣的變化? 快速前進的科技,如:人工智慧、機器人和自動化軟體,使得數以百萬美國人的謀生沒有出路。這些趨勢的後果已經以各種不同的形式顯現,例如:政治的不安、毒品的濫用、以及其他的社會疾病。難道,未來就是那麼令人絕望且無可避免嗎? 在本書中,楊澤安描繪出美國經濟的嚴峻肖像,也想像出一個不同於上述情景的未來,以「全民基本收入」來保障所有公民,這樣的構想在想法先進的政治人物與經濟學家中受到歡迎,因為,它是邁向一個楊澤安稱之為「人類資本主義」的更穩定經濟體所必要的一個步驟。From 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang, a captivating account of how "a skinny Asian kid from upstate" became a successful entrepreneur, only to find a new mission: calling attention to the urgent steps America must take, including Universal Basic Income, to stabilize our economy amid rapid technological change and automation.The shift toward automation is about to create a tsunami of unemployment. Not in the distant future--now. One recent estimate predicts 45 million American workers will lose their jobs within the next twelve years--jobs that won't be replaced. In a future marked by restlessness and chronic unemployment, what will happen to American society?In The War on Normal People, Andrew Yang paints a dire portrait of the American economy. Rapidly advancing technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics and automation software are making millions of Americans' livelihoods irrelevant. The consequences of these trends are already being felt across our communities in the form of political unrest, drug use, and other social ills. The future looks dire-but is it unavoidable?In The War on Normal People, Yang imagines a different future--one in which having a job is distinct from the capacity to prosper and seek fulfillment. At this vision's core is Universal Basic Income, the concept of providing all citizens with a guaranteed income-and one that is rapidly gaining popularity among forward-thinking politicians and economists. Yang proposes that UBI is an essential step toward a new, more durable kind of economy, one he calls "human capitalism."
作者介紹 Andrew YangAndrew Yang is the founder of Venture for America, a major non-profit that places top college graduates in start-ups for two years in emerging U.S. cities to generate job growth and train the next generation of entrepreneurs. Yang has been the CEO, co-founder or executive at a number of technology and education companies. Yang was named a Presidential Ambassador of Global Entrepreneurship and a Champion of Change by the White House and one of Fast Company's ""100 Most Creative People in Business."" He was also named to the National Advisory Council for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Department of Commerce. A major documentary with an Oscar-winning director, Generation Startup, featuring Yang and Venture for America, was released in Fall 2016 and is available on Netflix and other streaming platforms. He is a graduate of Columbia Law, where he was an Editor of the Law Review, James Kent Scholar and winner of the Class of 1912 Prize, and Brown University where he graduated with degrees in Economics and Political Science.