The Palace Museum's Essential Collections: Bronzeware from the Shang to Jin Dynasties | 誠品線上

The Palace Museum's Essential Collections: Bronzeware from the Shang to Jin Dynasties

作者 杜迺松/ 故宮博物院/ 編
出版社 聯合出版有限公司
商品描述 The Palace Museum's Essential Collections: Bronzeware from the Shang to Jin Dynasties:TodeepentheunderstandingofculturalandsocialbackgroundoftheBronzewaresfrom


內容簡介 To deepen the understanding of cultural and social background of the Bronzewares from Shang to Jin DynastiesThe Palace Museum’s Essential CollectionSelected 203 Bronzewares from Shang to Jin DynastiesThe Palace Museum, the Forbidden City, has a comprehensive collection of the world's largest treasury of ancient Chinese art. The Museum is an abundant resource for anyone who are interested in Chinese paintings, ceramic wares, jade wares, calligraphy, furniture, and other valuable treasures.This title offers descriptions of a selected collection of 203 bronzeware pieces from Shang (1600 ─1046 B.C.) to Jin (265─420 A.D.) Dynasties, including a wide range of rare pieces like food vessels, musical instruments, wine vessels, mirrors, candleholders, and many others. It also features an introductory essay by the Museum's expert who explains the historical and artistic value of bronzeware.青銅是人類古文明中,第一個掌握到的可靠而堅固的金屬材料。在約4000年前的傳說的夏朝時期,中國開始進入青銅時代。本畫冊精選故宮博物院中最具代表性的203件青銅器文物,加以專家解說。本書特色:★ 精選故宮博物院中最具代表性的203件青銅器文物。★ 含實物放大圖、圖解。★ 含故宮專家撰寫的導言。


作者介紹 ■作者簡介杜迺松、故宮博物院/編


書名 / The Palace Museum's Essential Collections: Bronzeware from the Shang to Jin Dynasties
作者 / 杜迺松 故宮博物院 編
簡介 / The Palace Museum's Essential Collections: Bronzeware from the Shang to Jin Dynasties:TodeepentheunderstandingofculturalandsocialbackgroundoftheBronzewaresfrom
出版社 / 聯合出版有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789620756580
ISBN10 / 9620756584
EAN / 9789620756580
誠品26碼 / 2681277577006
頁數 / 320
開數 / 16K
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無