White | 誠品線上


作者 Bret Easton Ellis
商品描述 White:文壇激進份子BretEastonEllis睽違九年新書、非小說出道作! 一向無畏批評、不受主流意識影響的BretEastonEllis,一直以來在社群上、著作中勇於發表自己的言論,就算


內容簡介 文壇激進份子Bret EastonEllis睽違九年新書、非小說出道作! 一向無畏批評、不受主流意識影響的BretEaston Ellis,一直以來在社群上、著作中勇於發表自己的言論,就算是想法相當挑戰一般認知,他依舊暢所欲言,在這本睽違九年的新作,同時也是小說出道作的書中,Ellis更上一層樓,將要對許多「政治正確」的理論、趨勢下戰帖! 反川普聲浪、菁英分子、網路審查、好萊塢、身分認同政治等熱門議題,Ellis在本書中都有談及,只是可能會引起不少讀者的反彈,甚至身邊的人都會受到影響,但他可沒有退縮,選擇說出他的想法、捍衛發言權。 因為內容的爭議性,出版後就受到媒體、讀者的注意,支持Ellis的人認為這是一本代表言論自由的作品,並且說明了美國現今社會的混亂與矛盾。Bret Easton Ellis is most famous for his era-defining novel American Psycho and its terrifying anti-hero, Patrick Bateman. With that book, and many times since, Ellis proved himself to be one of the world’s most fearless and clear-sighted observers of society – the glittering surface and the darkness beneath.In White, his first work of non-fiction, Ellis offers a wide-ranging exploration of what the hell is going on right now. He tells personal stories from his own life. He writes with razor-sharp precision about the music, movies, books and TV he loves and hates. He examines the ways our culture, politics and relationships have changed over the last four decades. He talks about social media, Hollywood celebrities and Donald Trump.Ellis considers conflicting positions without flinching and adheres to no status quo. His forthright views are powered by a fervent belief in artistic freedom and freedom of speech. Candid, funny, entertaining and blisteringly honest, he offers opinions that are impossible to ignore and certain to provoke.What he values above all is the truth. ‘The culture at large seemed to encourage discourse,’ he writes, ‘but what it really wanted to do was shut down the individual.’ Bret Easton Ellis will not be shut down.


書名 / White
作者 / Bret Easton Ellis
簡介 / White:文壇激進份子BretEastonEllis睽違九年新書、非小說出道作! 一向無畏批評、不受主流意識影響的BretEastonEllis,一直以來在社群上、著作中勇於發表自己的言論,就算
ISBN13 / 9781529012439
ISBN10 / 1529012430
EAN / 9781529012439
誠品26碼 / 2681731356000
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
