Help Me! One Woman's Quest to Find Out if Self-Help Really Can Change Her Life | 誠品線上

勵志書實踐生存報告: 我如何花一年的時間讀12本暢銷勵志書, 並真的改變人生

作者 瑪莉安.包爾
商品描述 Help Me! One Woman's Quest to Find Out if Self-Help Really Can Change Her Life:像雨後春筍般不停冒出的心理勵志書,每一本承諾的成效都是那麼吸引人,不管是找到快樂


內容簡介 像雨後春筍般不停冒出的心理勵志書,每一本承諾的成效都是那麼吸引人,不管是找到快樂、找到更好的人生、找到另一半……可有那麼一本書真正改變了你的人生?Marianne Power以前一向是個墨守成規的人,規規矩矩地過自己的小日子,直到有天她開始好奇,這些心理勵志書是否真的有那麼神奇?因為她確實也需要一個更好的生活!因此她決定每個月都挑一本書,例如:《與成功有約》、《當下的力量》等,依照書中的指示一步一步照做,她就這樣持續了一年,原本只是個無心的實驗,卻變成了一個有趣又動人的故事。Power在過程中發現,心理勵志書確實可以改變人生,但並不一定是正向的,也可能會把你的人生搞得一團亂!每一個曾經想要透過書籍找到快樂人生的人,都可以感同身受的一本書!Marianne Power was stuck in a rut. Then one day she wondered: could self-help books help her find the elusive perfect life? She decided to test one book a month for a year, following their advice to the letter. What would happen if she followed the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? Really felt The Power of Now? Could life be transformed? Because she honestly did want all the things these books promised. To find a Love that Lasts and to unearth The Secret to making your dreams come true. What begins as a clever experiment becomes an achingly poignant story. Because self-help can change your life - but not necessarily for the better . . . Help Me is a hysterically funny and incredibly moving book about a wild and ultimately redemptive journey that will resonate with anyone who's ever dreamed of finding happiness.


書名 / Help Me! One Woman's Quest to Find Out if Self-Help Really Can Change Her Life
作者 / 瑪莉安.包爾
簡介 / Help Me! One Woman's Quest to Find Out if Self-Help Really Can Change Her Life:像雨後春筍般不停冒出的心理勵志書,每一本承諾的成效都是那麼吸引人,不管是找到快樂
ISBN13 / 9781509888528
ISBN10 / 1509888527
EAN / 9781509888528
誠品26碼 / 2681588845009
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.3X23.4CM
級別 / N:無