Burnout: The Secret to Solving the Stress Cycle | 誠品線上

Burnout: The Secret to Solving the Stress Cycle

作者 Emily Nagoski/ Amelia Nagoski
商品描述 Burnout: The Secret to Solving the Stress Cycle:克服過勞,發現解決壓力惡性循環的秘密為何女性比男性更容易過勞,以心理科學的角度分析,幫助女性減輕心理壓力,控制


內容簡介 克服過勞,發現解決壓力惡性循環的秘密為何女性比男性更容易過勞,以心理科學的角度分析,幫助女性減輕心理壓力,控制情緒成為一個女性和人們如何期望女性的角色是真正造成女性壓力和過勞的真正主因。你要如何「愛上自己的身體」當周遭一切總是說你不夠好?當你已經付出110%的努力卻仍不被認可時,你要如何表現出「熱愛自己的工作」?你要如何活得更快樂和健康,但這個世界卻不斷告訴你過胖、過度依賴、太吵和太自私?暢銷書《性愛好科學》作者納高斯基博士和音樂藝術博士Amelia Nagoski將在本書中幫助女性結束過勞和疲憊的惡性循環,排除女性和健康之間的障礙。藉由最新科學研究,規範建議和有效的工作表及練習,內容包括:●如何應對生理性的壓力循環-讓身體回到最原始的放鬆狀態●如何管理大腦中的「監視器」,有效調整挫折感●比基尼產業的出現如何使女性不再愛上自己的身體-而我們又能如何打擊這種挫敗感●為何充分的休息、維持人與人之間的關係及與自我批評和平共處是主要避免職業倦怠的關鍵This groundbreaking book explains why women experience burnout differently than men - and provides a simple, science-based plan to help women minimize stress, manage emotions and live a more joyful life.The gap between what it's really like to be a woman and what people expect women to be is a primary cause of burnout, because we exhaust ourselves trying to close the space between the two. How can you 'love your body' when everything around you tells you you're inadequate? How do you 'lean in' at work when you're already giving 110% and aren't recognized for it? How can you live happily and healthily in a world that is constantly telling you you're too fat, too needy, too noisy and too selfish? Sisters Emily Nagoski, Ph.D., the bestselling author of Come as You Are, and Amelia Nagoski, DMA, are here to help end the cycle of overwhelm and exhaustion, and confront the obstacles that stand between women and well-being. With insights from the latest science, prescriptive advice, and helpful worksheets and exercises, Burnout reveals:●what you can do to complete the biological stress cycle - and return your body to a state of relaxation.●how to manage the 'monitor' in your brain that regulates the emotion of frustration.●how the Bikini Industrial Complex makes it difficult for women to love their bodies - and how to fight back.●why rest, human connection, and befriending your inner critic are key to recovering from and preventing burnout.Eye-opening, compassionate and optimistic, Burnout will completely transform the way we think about and manage stress, empowering women to thrive under pressure and enjoy meaningful yet balanced lives. All women will find something transformative in these pages - and be empowered to create positive and lasting change.


書名 / Burnout: The Secret to Solving the Stress Cycle
作者 / Emily Nagoski Amelia Nagoski
簡介 / Burnout: The Secret to Solving the Stress Cycle:克服過勞,發現解決壓力惡性循環的秘密為何女性比男性更容易過勞,以心理科學的角度分析,幫助女性減輕心理壓力,控制
ISBN13 / 9781785042089
ISBN10 / 1785042084
EAN / 9781785042089
誠品26碼 / 2681715651008
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X13.5X0CM
級別 / N:無
