The Starless Sea | 誠品線上


作者 艾琳.莫根斯坦
商品描述 The Starless Sea:《紐約時報》暢銷書《夜行馬戲團》(NightCircus)作者艾琳.莫根斯坦(ErinMorgenstern)最新小說。書評盛讚本書與Tolkien,Carroll和C.S.Lewis作品並駕齊驅


內容簡介 《紐約時報》暢銷書《夜行馬戲團》(Night Circus)作者艾琳.莫根斯坦 (Erin Morgenstern)最新小說。 書評盛讚本書與Tolkien, Carroll和C.S. Lewis作品並駕齊驅,小說探問”故事”的意義何在,隱藏在作品深處的主題,更逼著我們思考何謂救贖、犧牲、命運、時間與輪迴(《每周娛樂》)。作者大膽運用後設文本的寫法如走鋼索(《柯克斯評論》,運用詩意、如蜜般的文字訴說故事,並且推敲我們期待故事走向的各種面向(《書單》)。 神秘的地下世界上演著永恆的愛的故事,那個地方充斥著海盜、畫家、情人、騙子,還有一艘艘航向無星之海的船隻。 就讀研究所的Zachary在圖書館的書堆裡發現了一本神秘之書,當他打開書頁,立即被書中的故事所吸引,其中的角色有為情所困的囚犯、收集鑰匙的人、以及不知名的追隨者們,更奇怪的是,書裡竟然有他的童年舊事。 這本書令Zachary不解,他想要找出自己的生活為什麼會被記錄在這本書上,於是循著書封上一連串的線索:一隻蜂、一支鑰匙、還有一把劍,來到一場假面舞會,一個祕密俱樂部,並且通過一條走道來到深埋地底的古老圖書館,這個地底世界埋葬的不僅是書與它的保護者們,還有失落的城市與海洋,透過門與時間傳遞字條的情人們,以及逝者呢喃的各種故事。 Zachary得知那些寧願犧牲自己也要保護這個國度的人們,這些人被迫放棄視力與說話的能力來保護這個檔案室,但是也有另一群人堅決要毀滅這個地底國度。Zachary與地底世界的保護者Mirabel 以及老是光著腳的Dorian連袂穿梭在崎嶇的隧道、黑暗的樓梯間、擁擠的舞會裡,不僅為了要找出這個神秘之書存在的目的,也是為了尋求個人生命的解答。 The magical new novel from the bestselling author of The Night Circus. Are you lost or are you exploring? When Zachary Rawlins stumbles across a strange book hidden in his university library it leads him on a quest unlike any other. Its pages entrance him with their tales of lovelorn prisoners, lost cities and nameless acolytes, but they also contain something impossible: a recollection from his own childhood. Determined to solve the puzzle of the book, Zachary follows the clues he finds on the cover – a bee, a key and a sword. They guide him to a masquerade ball, to a dangerous secret club, and finally through a magical doorway created by the fierce and mysterious Mirabel. This door leads to a subterranean labyrinth filled with stories, hidden far beneath the surface of the earth. When the labyrinth is threatened, Zachary must race with Mirabel, and Dorian, a handsome barefoot man with shifting alliances, through its twisting tunnels and crowded ballrooms, searching for the end of his story. You are invited to join Zachary on the starless sea: the home of storytellers, story-lovers and those who will protect our stories at all costs.


作者介紹 Erin Morgenstern is the author of The Night Circus, a bestseller that has enchanted readers around the world and has been translated into thirty-seven languages. She has a degree in Theatre from Smith College, an ever-growing collection of jewellery made from skeleton keys, and a cat on her lap. She lives in Massachusetts.


書名 / The Starless Sea
作者 / 艾琳.莫根斯坦
簡介 / The Starless Sea:《紐約時報》暢銷書《夜行馬戲團》(NightCircus)作者艾琳.莫根斯坦(ErinMorgenstern)最新小說。書評盛讚本書與Tolkien,Carroll和C.S.Lewis作品並駕齊驅
ISBN13 / 9781910701461
ISBN10 / 1910701467
EAN / 9781910701461
誠品26碼 / 2681787821002
頁數 / 512
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X0CM
級別 / N:無
