Killing Commendatore | 誠品線上


作者 村上春樹
商品描述 Killing Commendatore:【網路書店獨家!】買書即贈小海報+明信片+書籤村上春樹《刺殺騎士團長》英國版【出版人周刊最期待小說】在現實與非現實間穿梭於意念和隱喻中尋找自


內容簡介 【網路書店獨家!】買書即贈小海報 + 明信片 + 書籤村上春樹《刺殺騎士團長》英國版【出版人周刊最期待小說】在現實與非現實間穿梭 於意念和隱喻中尋找自我自1Q84後睽違七年 村上春樹最新本格長篇小說鉅作從那年五月到第二年年初,我住在那狹小山谷入口附近的山上。夏天山谷深處一直下著雨,但山谷外側卻大多晴天……那原本是段孤獨且靜謐的日子。直到騎士團長出現為止。「人相信他人的力量。這一點以前沒出現在我的結局裡。這也是我第一次讓家庭生活出現在我的小說裡。」村上春樹36歲前中年男子,在美術大學畢業後便放棄擅長的抽象畫,開始在家中接案以繪製肖像畫營生並負責打理家中所有事務。某日,結髮六年妻子柚子突然坦承外遇並要求離婚,男主角百思不得其解,為了尋找問題的答案,之後便獨自一人開車北上漫遊。歷時九個月,稍稍緩解情緒過後,住進大學同學雨田政彥其父雨田具彥位在小田原深山中的房子。此時男主角在畫作經紀人的牽線下,認識神秘多金的鄰居免色涉並接下代為繪製其肖像的委託。同時無意間發現屋主雨田具彥藏在閣樓裡一幅名為〈刺殺騎士團長〉的畫作,在遇見「騎士團長」之後,男主角的世界開始發生了一連串不可思議的事件…時隔七年經歷了兩本《沒有色彩的多崎作和他的巡禮之年》、《沒有女人的男人》兩本小說後,村上春樹這次以豐沛炫目的色彩與多元樣貌的構圖思維,化身為一位挺身面對生命危機的畫家,再次展現他筆下奇幻世界的獨特魅力。從不具名的畫家著手,對手的是在生命歷程中我們皆有可能面臨到的困境:婚姻愛情的渴求、事業創意的枯竭與再現、道德人性的糾葛抉擇、死亡疾病的恐懼、親人離世的釋懷寬慰,無一不是貼近切身的命題。這是個迷人且容易閱讀的故事,猶如推理小說一般,令人迫切想得知隱藏在畫作背後的真相、推開畫家與委託人身邊的一團迷團,等到進入迷霧之中,這才驚呼我們進入了另外的一個世界:一個充滿意念與隱喻的世界。在小田原深山的別墅中,進入了神秘未知的山洞,涉過危險隱喻的河流,面對那些困惑與恐懼,最終是否能尋回最真實的自我……。 本書借取自時報出版《刺殺騎士團長》書介美版《Killing Commendatore》:購買連結 ▲ 凡購買英版《Killing Commendatore》,即贈小海報乙張(30*42公分)。數量有限,贈完為止。(註:出貨時海報會折疊)▲小海報背面為村上春樹的英版作品列表▲凡購買《Killing Commendatore》(英版或美版),即贈英版明信片乙張。共有三款,隨機出貨。數量有限,贈完為止!▲英版明信片背面▲凡購買《Killing Commendatore》(英版或美版),即贈美版書籤乙張。數量有限,贈完為止!▲美版書籤背面The ambitious major new novel from this internationally celebrated writer, on the scale of his bestselling 1Q84 The painter's wife has left him for a younger man. Taking some time away from Tokyo, he starts looking after the empty house of a famous artist, Tomohiko Amada. Not long after he moves in, a scraping sound in the attic leads him to find a carefully wrapped canvas, labelled 'Killing Commendatore'. This unusual painting leads him to delve into Amada's life story and those of his neighbours. It also brings him into contact with a strange parallel universe, from which the Commendatore himself emerges. When his neighbour's daughter vanishes, the painter must embark on a quest that leads him back to a tragedy in his own past. A profound engagement with art and its creation, Killing Commendatore asks whether confronting the past can ever bring comfort, or just more pain? Ambitious, haunting, and multi-layered, it is reminiscent of Murakami's masterpiece The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, and takes his narrative art in new and exciting directions.


作者介紹 Haruki Murakami In 1978, Haruki Murakami was 29 and running a jazz bar in downtown Tokyo. One April day, the impulse to write a novel came to him suddenly while watching a baseball game. That first novel, Hear the Wind Sing, won a new writers' award and was published the following year. More followed, including A Wild Sheep Chase and Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, but it was Norwegian Wood, published in 1987, which turned Murakami from a writer into a phenomenon. His books became bestsellers, were translated into many languages, including English, and the door was thrown wide open to Murakami's unique and addictive fictional universe. Murakami writes with admirable discipline, producing ten pages a day, after which he runs ten kilometres (he began long-distance running in 1982 and has participated in numerous marathons and races), works on translations, and then reads, listens to records and cooks. His passions colour his non-fiction output, from What I Talk About When I Talk About Running to Absolutely On Music, and they also seep into his novels and short stories, providing quotidian moments in his otherwise freewheeling flights of imaginative inquiry. In works such as The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, 1Q84 and Men Without Women, his distinctive blend of the mysterious and the everyday, of melancholy and humour, continues to enchant readers, ensuring Murakami's place as one of the world's most acclaimed and well-loved writers.


書名 / Killing Commendatore
作者 / 村上春樹
簡介 / Killing Commendatore:【網路書店獨家!】買書即贈小海報+明信片+書籤村上春樹《刺殺騎士團長》英國版【出版人周刊最期待小說】在現實與非現實間穿梭於意念和隱喻中尋找自
ISBN13 / 9781787300194
ISBN10 / 1787300196
EAN / 9781787300194
誠品26碼 / 2681589217003
頁數 / 608
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.6X24CM
級別 / N:無