Maoism: A Global History | 誠品線上

毛主義: 紅星照耀全世界, 一部完整解讀毛澤東思想的全球史

作者 藍詩玲
商品描述 Maoism: A Global History:過去數十年,西方世界將毛澤東思想視為過時的歷史與政治現象。1980年代開始,中國似乎放棄毛式革命所帶來的烏托邦動盪,進而擁抱獨裁式的資本主


內容簡介 過去數十年,西方世界將毛澤東思想視為過時的歷史與政治現象。1980年代開始,中國似乎放棄毛式革命所帶來的烏托邦動盪,進而擁抱獨裁式的資本主義。事實上,毛澤東及其理念始終是中華人民共和國的核心,中共政權承認它的合法性。當西方與中國之間的齟齬和衝突上升的此刻,理解毛澤東政治遺產的必要性就增加了,而且變得迫切起來。毛澤東思想的影響力遍及全球,它是冷戰的重要動力,形塑了越戰,賦予紅色高棉政權,協助甚至為非洲反殖民抗爭帶來勝利,鼓舞德國與義大利的恐怖主義,以及秘魯、印度、尼泊爾的戰爭與叛亂。毛澤東死後40年,他的影響力始終存在。現代中國學者Julia Lovell重新審視毛澤東主義在中國與國際的影響力,作者帶領我們從北印度的茶園到安地斯山脈,從巴黎的第五區到坦尚尼亞的田野,從柬埔寨的稻田到英國布里克斯頓的看台,將毛式主義在中國的革命與全球遺緒連結在一起,使本書成為重要的毛澤東思想的全球史。For decades, the West has dismissed Maoism as an outdated historical and political phenomenon. Since the 1980s, China seems to have abandoned the utopian turmoil of Mao’s revolution in favour of authoritarian capitalism. But Mao and his ideas remain central to the People’s Republic and the legitimacy of its Communist government. With disagreements and conflicts between China and the West on the rise, the need to understand the political legacy of Mao is urgent and growing.The power and appeal of Maoism have extended far beyond China. Maoism was a crucial motor of the Cold War: it shaped the course of the Vietnam War (and the international youth rebellions that conflict triggered) and brought to power the murderous Khmer Rouge in Cambodia; it aided, and sometimes handed victory to, anti-colonial resistance movements in Africa; it inspired terrorism in Germany and Italy, and wars and insurgencies in Peru, India and Nepal, some of which are still with us today – more than forty years after the death of Mao.In this new history, Julia Lovell re-evaluates Maoism as both a Chinese and an international force, linking its evolution in China with its global legacy. It is a story that takes us from the tea plantations of north India to the sierras of the Andes, from Paris’s fifth arrondissement to the fields of Tanzania, from the rice paddies of Cambodia to the terraces of Brixton.Starting with the birth of Mao’s revolution in northwest China in the 1930s and concluding with its violent afterlives in South Asia and resurgence in the People’s Republic today, this is a landmark history of global Maoism.


書名 / Maoism: A Global History
作者 / 藍詩玲
簡介 / Maoism: A Global History:過去數十年,西方世界將毛澤東思想視為過時的歷史與政治現象。1980年代開始,中國似乎放棄毛式革命所帶來的烏托邦動盪,進而擁抱獨裁式的資本主
ISBN13 / 9781847922502
ISBN10 / 1847922503
EAN / 9781847922502
誠品26碼 / 2681715725006
頁數 / 448
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.3X15.3X0CM
級別 / N:無
