內容簡介 審判是卡夫卡寫的一部長篇小說。小說的主角約瑟夫·K(Josef K)在一個早上被喚醒後,不明原因地被捕,陷入一場難纏的官司之中,卻不知道自己的罪名。K最終在一個黑夜裡被帶走,並秘密處死。審判整部小說在一種不變的無情的令人不安的氣氛中進行,直到悲慘的結尾。小說表面上的主題是關於政治的—對法院的無能腐敗的抨擊。但小說主要用力在對這種環境對K的影響。它展示了人類的困境,K的努力沒有方向,也沒有結果。'It is the fate and perhaps the greatness of that work that it offers everything and confirms nothing' Albert CamusThe terrifying tale of Joseph K, a respectable functionary in a bank, who is suddenly arrested and must defend his innocence against a charge about which he can get no information. A nightmare vision of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded to the mad agendas of twentieth-century totalitarian regimes.