The Snakes | 誠品線上

The Snakes

作者 Sadie Jones
商品描述 The Snakes:Bea和Dan是一對新婚夫妻,最近將兩人在倫敦的狹小公寓出租,希望可以有個清閒的幾個月休息時間,離開倫敦後,兩人一路開車到了法國勃根地,拜訪Bea的哥哥Alex


內容簡介 Bea和Dan是一對新婚夫妻,最近將兩人在倫敦的狹小公寓出租,希望可以有個清閒的幾個月休息時間,離開倫敦後,兩人一路開車到了法國勃根地,拜訪Bea的哥哥Alex。Alex在當地開了一間旅館,Bea和Dan到了之後發現Alex居然一人守著破舊的飯店,閣樓還有一窩蛇。不久後,Bea和Alex的雙親突然來訪,面對這一對富有體面的夫妻,Dan開始覺得奇怪,因為以往Bea總是很反對Dan和他們見面。悲劇在所有人意想不到的時候到來,這一家人不得不面對他們的過往,這一次沒有人可以逃得掉……故事一路用懸疑氛圍將讀者抓住,直到令人驚嘆不已的結局才能鬆一口氣,讓人大呼過癮。Unflinching in its gaze, The Snakes is a bold, brilliant and beautiful novel which holds the reader in its tense grip from start to unforgettable finish.'I wonder if it hurts them to shed their skins,’ she said. She didn’t feel afraid standing in the darkness, imagining snakes, even with the smell of death in the air.Bea and Dan, recently married, rent out their tiny flat to escape London for a few precious months. Driving through France they visit Bea’s dropout brother Alex at the hotel he runs in Burgundy. Disturbingly, they find him all alone and the ramshackle hotel deserted, apart from the nest of snakes in the attic.When Alex and Bea’s parents make a surprise visit, Dan can’t understand why Bea is so appalled, or why she’s never wanted him to know them; Liv and Griff Adamson are charming, and rich. They are the richest people he has ever met. Maybe Bea’s ashamed of him, or maybe she regrets the secrets she’s been keeping.Tragedy strikes suddenly, brutally, and in its aftermath the family is stripped back to its rotten core, and even Bea with all her strength and goodness can’t escape.


作者介紹 Sadie JonesSadie Jones is a novelist and screenwriter. Her first novel, The Outcast (‘Devastatingly good’, Daily Mail) won the Costa First Novel Award and was shortlisted for the Orange Prize. It was also a Richard and Judy Summer Reads number one bestseller and adapted for BBC Television.Her second novel, Small Wars (‘Outstanding’, The Times; ‘One of the best books about the English at war ever’, Joel Morris), was published in 2009, and longlisted for the Orange Prize. Her third, in 2012, was The Uninvited Guests (‘A shimmering comedy of manners and disturbing commentary on class... a brilliant novel’, Ann Patchett) followed by Fallout in 2014 (‘Intoxicating and immersive’, The Sunday Times).


書名 / The Snakes
作者 / Sadie Jones
簡介 / The Snakes:Bea和Dan是一對新婚夫妻,最近將兩人在倫敦的狹小公寓出租,希望可以有個清閒的幾個月休息時間,離開倫敦後,兩人一路開車到了法國勃根地,拜訪Bea的哥哥Alex
ISBN13 / 9781784742560
ISBN10 / 1784742562
EAN / 9781784742560
誠品26碼 / 2681715774004
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.2X0CM
級別 / N:無
