White Chrysanthemum | 誠品線上

White Chrysanthemum

作者 Mary Lynn Bracht
商品描述 White Chrysanthemum:栩栩如生且令人心碎的韓國歷史,敘述兩姐妹因二戰被迫分離的真摯情誼令人無法忘卻的悲痛過往,暢銷全球已授權13國語言1943年的韓國,Hana的一生都壟


內容簡介 栩栩如生且令人心碎的韓國歷史,敘述兩姐妹因二戰被迫分離的真摯情誼令人無法忘卻的悲痛過往,暢銷全球已授權13國語言1943年的韓國,Hana的一生都壟罩在日軍政權的陰影之下。身為海女的她非常享受潛入海中的無拘無束感,直到某日為了拯救妹妹慘遭日軍綁架,卻讓她被迫離開家鄉前往滿洲軍營成為慰安婦。但海女的天性堅強且擅於忍耐,為了有朝一日能再度回到家鄉,命運的安排並沒有打倒她的意志。2011年的韓國,Emi每天都試圖忘卻姐姐為她做的犧牲,但她仍必須勇於面對過往,找回內心的平靜。看著自己的孩子努力長大,看到國家因為戰爭失敗而逐漸癒合,她是否仍有機會原諒戰爭帶來的犧牲與苦痛?觸動人心的真實情感,揭露了日軍的暴行與殘忍,更為無數曾為慰安婦的女性提升更多勇氣。The heartbreaking story of Korea during the Second World War is brought to life in this gripping, redemptive debut about two sisters.'Look for your sister after each dive. Never forget. If you see her, you are safe.'Hana and her little sister Emi are part of an island community of haenyeo, women who make their living from diving deep into the sea off the southernmost tip of Korea.One day Hana sees a Japanese soldier heading for where Emi is guarding the day’s catch on the beach. Her mother has told her again and again never to be caught alone with one. Terrified for her sister, Hana swims as hard as she can for the shore.So begins the story of two sisters suddenly and violently separated by war. Switch-backing between Hana in 1943 and Emi as an old woman today, White Chrysanthemum takes us into a dark and devastating corner of history. But pulling us back into the light are two women whose love for one another is strong enough to triumph over the evils of war.A riveting, immersive read in the vein of The Kite Runner and Memoirs of a Geisha.


作者介紹 About the AuthorMary Lynn Bracht is an American author of Korean descent who now lives in London. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Birkbeck, University of London. She grew up in a large ex-pat community of women who came of age in post-war South Korea. In 2002 Bracht visited her mother's childhood village, and it was during this trip she first learned of the ‘Comfort Women’ captured and set up in brothels for the Japanese military. White Chrysanthemum is her first novel.


書名 / White Chrysanthemum
作者 / Mary Lynn Bracht
簡介 / White Chrysanthemum:栩栩如生且令人心碎的韓國歷史,敘述兩姐妹因二戰被迫分離的真摯情誼令人無法忘卻的悲痛過往,暢銷全球已授權13國語言1943年的韓國,Hana的一生都壟
ISBN13 / 9781784741457
ISBN10 / 1784741450
EAN / 9781784741457
誠品26碼 / 2681538485002
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X2.3CM
級別 / N:無