Smart Business: What Alibaba's Success Reveals about the Future of Strategy | 誠品線上

智能商業模式: 阿里巴巴利用數據智能與網絡協同的全新企業策略

作者 曾鳴
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 Smart Business: What Alibaba's Success Reveals about the Future of Strategy:多數領導者已經注意到傳統的策略制定方式,例如:分析、計畫、執行等,都已經無法發揮效


內容簡介 多數領導者已經注意到傳統的策略制定方式,例如:分析、計畫、執行等,都已經無法發揮效用,但卻還找不到替代方案,尤其面對互聯網壯大、數位化持續成長的趨勢,要如何才能搶得先機?阿里巴巴集團學術委員會主席、阿里巴巴商學院院長曾鳴,在本書中解釋人工智慧、手機、雲端科技等科技發展,如何重新定義了價值產出的方式,進而說明如何從第一手的客戶資料中,創造相對應的產品;針對不同的平台和供應商,如何制定最適當的策略;帶領公司轉型成「聰明企業」。曾鳴是策略分析專家,文章常見於各大商業相關雜誌,身擁阿里巴巴集團的實際操作經驗更讓本書增添可信度。曾鳴用簡單有條理的文字,透過這本書清楚說出自己的經驗和想法,就算是對於非相關產業人士或者新創公司,都很適合閱讀,沒有負擔。How Strategy Works in an Interconnected, Automated WorldLeaders already know that the classic approach to strategy--analyze, plan, execute--is losing relevance. But they don't yet know what replaces it. As everyone and everything becomes more interconnected and digitized, how do you operate, compete, and win?Ming Zeng, the former Chief of Staff and strategy adviser to Alibaba Group's founder Jack Ma, explains how the latest technological developments, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, the mobile internet, and cloud computing are redefining how value is created. Written especially for those outside the technology industry or the startup arena, this book introduces a simple, overarching framework to guide strategy formulation and execution in this data-rich and highly interactive environment.Revealing the revolutionary practices that he and his team have developed at Alibaba, Zeng shows how to:●Automate decisions through machine learning●Create products informed by real-time data from customers●Determine the right strategic positioning to maximize value from platforms and suppliers●Repurpose your organization to further human insight and enable creativity●Lead your company's transformation into a smart businessWith insights into the strategies and tools used by leaders at Alibaba and other companies such as Ruhan and Red Collar, in a variety of industries from furniture making to banking to custom tailoring, Smart Business outlines a radically new approach to strategy that can be applied everywhere.


作者介紹 Ming Zeng was the Chief of Staff and strategy adviser to Jack Ma at Alibaba Group for over a decade (2006-2017) as it blossomed into a $400 billion company. He is currently Chairman of the Academic Council of Alibaba Group and Dean of Hupan School of Entrepreneurship, founded by Ma and other Chinese business leaders. Previously, he taught at INSEAD and, in 2002, he was one of the seven professors who founded Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing. He wrote one of the first cases on Alibaba in 2000. The book he coauthored with Peter Williamson, Dragons at Your Door (Harvard Business Review Press), remains one of the most cited books about the strategies of leading Chinese companies. Author social media website info: in ming-zeng-7ba269117


書名 / Smart Business: What Alibaba's Success Reveals about the Future of Strategy
作者 / 曾鳴
簡介 / Smart Business: What Alibaba's Success Reveals about the Future of Strategy:多數領導者已經注意到傳統的策略制定方式,例如:分析、計畫、執行等,都已經無法發揮效
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781633693296
ISBN10 / 1633693295
EAN / 9781633693296
誠品26碼 / 2681671418004
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.1X16.5X2.5CM
級別 / N:無
