Innovation The Nasa Way: Harnessing The Power Of Your Organization For Breakthrough Success | 誠品線上

跟著NASA學創新: 太空總署教你解決企業最棘手難題17堂必修課

作者 羅德.派爾
出版社 McGraw-Hill Education (Singapore)
商品描述 Innovation The Nasa Way: Harnessing The Power Of Your Organization For Breakthrough Success:◎匯集超過50年的智慧結晶1958年成立的美國太空總署NASA,將許多昨日的


內容簡介 ◎匯集超過50年的智慧結晶1958年成立的美國太空總署NASA,將許多昨日的不可能,化為今日的奇蹟,成功締造太空史上的不朽傳奇。NASA的智慧結晶,足以成為現代企業面對挑戰時,最扎實可靠的精神標竿。◎ 啟發靈感,有助於創新思考了解NASA歷經的困境與難關,效法NASA前瞻性的思考模式和解決問題方法,最終成就豐碩的非凡成果。這些成果有助於企業更有效地預測未來發展模式,因應經營上的艱困挑戰。◎深入NASA,一窺超科技組織的實際運作方法美國太空總署的垂直管理模式和平行溝通模式,書中描述仔細、一目了然。其背後顛覆傳統的創新力量,足以成為不同領域企業和領導者奉為圭臬的信條。美國Amazon讀者4.5星好評重量級媒體《華盛頓郵報》強力報導前太空總署副署長洛瑞‧加弗(Lori Garver)特別推薦打造火箭、登陸月球、尋找火星生物,帶領高科技不斷超越前進的NASA,如何突破一次又一次的困境,刷新宇宙探險新紀錄?成就驚人太空任務背後,是一堂NASA管理課!重力探測器B發現地球自轉時,會扭曲時間和空間的結構,證實愛因斯坦的廣義相對論;哈伯太空望遠鏡首次發現六億光年外的類星體,竟有二個黑洞……這些超乎想像的卓越科技,都來自NASA精英團隊的勇於創新與企圖心!提到美國太空總署NASA,總讓人聯想到尖端完美的科技與神祕的外太空世界。你以為它是個超越時代的零缺點組織嗎?其實,引領高科技的NASA,多年來也曾遭逢無數次的失敗,也和一般企業相同,有官僚體系的包袱與因循守舊的問題,在人事溝通、工作態度、跨部門協調、組織管理、異業結盟……面臨一次又一次的棘手難題。但是NASA勇於創新,運用跳脫框架的思維和態度,以顛覆傳統的領導方法與非凡策略,迎接每一次的任務與挑戰!‧內容實用豐富,企業或一般讀者都可以向NASA學習企業在革新和挑戰困境時,亟需發現問題、解決問題。NASA團隊運用創新領導、智慧統御和非凡策略等概念,結合垂直管理模式和平行溝通模式,對於一般企業和團隊組織相當具啟發性,值得參考借鏡!本書作者羅德‧派爾是NASA和一般企業的領導力講師,他將NASA專業睿智的領導智慧,結合平易近人、條理分明的敘事手法,帶領讀者深入NASA、一窺太空任務的來龍去脈,並發掘寶貴的經驗。派爾一一點名NASA的「目標」,敘述面臨的「挑戰」,並提供「解決方案」,最後總結NASA的創新模式,讓讀者領略企業團隊革新必需的心態和步驟,讀來輕鬆易懂,同時又深具說服力。‧ 寶貴的真實案例,淬鍊NASA經營管理精髓NASA面臨的難關,往往是商界常見卻又無解的問題和挑戰。本書從二十世紀美蘇太空競賽切入,以NASA接受任務背後的運籌帷幄和策劃謀略穿針引線,揭露NASA如何以創新方式跳脫困境的事蹟,貼近一般企業經營所需,而解答往往令人意想不到、耳目一新。將NASA創新策略運用在一般企業體系,更能發揮意想不到的效益。‧學習NASA模式,啟動創新的發動機! 模式1 前瞻性的視野‧有勇於逐夢的膽識,一切才會發生美國甘迺迪總統要求僅成立三年的NASA,在九年內登陸月球,當時看來是個膽大妄為的白日夢。但在一九六九年中期,NASA已經完成載人登陸月球的艱難任務。模式2 執行的勇氣‧勇敢執行,大膽創意締造奇蹟 二○一二年登上火星的好奇號探測車,在火星上降落一台可以駕駛的機器,輪上掛著火箭,而這台機器還有上千個潛在的故障點。當這個想法一被提出,大家都覺得這些人瘋了。模式3 驅動計畫的熱情‧唯有熱情,才能恆久堅持登月艙減重計畫、製造太空梭熱屏蔽陶瓷瓦片,NASA工程師憑著莫大的熱情,讓這些看似不可能實現的計畫具體成形。錢少、事多又困難重重,是在NASA工作的最大特色,然而許多人還是選擇留在NASA直到退休返鄉。在滿臉皺紋的背後,你會發現這些人洋溢著熱情。模式4 追求完美的態度‧謹慎小心,零缺失才是成功保證設計尖端的科技產品很難,打造完美零缺點的實品則更難。為了打造有史以來最大的火箭引擎,NASA在研發過程中面臨多次測試失敗,甚至發生三次爆炸。所幸團隊找出忽略的細節、從錯誤中學習,做到零缺失,才有F-1火箭引擎的誕生。模式5 相信專業,發揮團隊精神‧適才適所,放手的智慧NASA網羅並培育各領域的優秀人才,以獎勵制度和相信專業的管理方式,鼓勵人員各自發揮、團結合作。促使優秀人才樂於發揮所長,帶領團隊完成使命。本書中文書介出自<<跟著NASA學創新: 太空總署教你解決企業最棘手難題17堂必修課>> 寶鼎出版Launch your business to new heights with out-of-this world innovationFor over half a century, NASA has delivered a continuous stream of innovative accomplishments that have inspired the world. Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, the space shuttle pioneering reusable space planes, Mars rovers exploring the red planet--the list goes on. We read the stories and watch the footage, and as impossible as these achievements seem, NASA makes them look easy.The most innovative organization in history, NASA holds an otherworldly mystique for those of us who look on in awe. But behind every one of NASA's amazing innovations liecarefully managed operations, just like any other organization.Innovation the NASA Way provides practical, proven lessons that will help you envision the future of your organization with clarity, meet every challenge with tenacity, and manage innovation with groundbreaking creativity.NASA insider Rod Pyle has used the agency's unique methods for driving innovation to train leaders from eBay, the Federal Reserve, Michelin tires, Conoco Phillips, andmany other Fortune 100 and 500 companies. now, for the first time, NASA's cutting-edge strategies for nurturing and fostering innovation are revealed.Innovation the NASA Way takes you on a tour through the programs that pushed the envelope on the agency's leadership and managerial capacity. It describes the seemingly impossible tasks NASA personnel faced, explains how each challenge was met with forward-looking management methods, and describes the extraordinary innovations that resulted.Learn how NASA built the Lunar Module, the first true spaceship; created the Saturn V's F-1 rocket motor, the most powerful ever built; and how it creates partnerships with the new players in space–private entrepreneurs.These are just a few of the projects covered in the book.Space exploration may be NASA's mission, but its innovative leadership practices are founded on solid, down-to-earth methods anyone can apply, anywhere.


作者介紹 Rod Pyle led leadership training at NASA's Johnson Space Center for C-Suite executives. he has written extensively on space exploration and the inner workings of NASA and similar institutions. Pyle is afrequent contributor to the huffi ngton Post and, as well as other space-related media outlets. His documentaries on NASA have appeared on the History Channel and other major television outlets. Pyle is a popular speaker whose radio interviews are heard worldwide.


書名 / Innovation The Nasa Way: Harnessing The Power Of Your Organization For Breakthrough Success
作者 / 羅德.派爾
簡介 / Innovation The Nasa Way: Harnessing The Power Of Your Organization For Breakthrough Success:◎匯集超過50年的智慧結晶1958年成立的美國太空總署NASA,將許多昨日的
出版社 / McGraw-Hill Education (Singapore)
ISBN13 / 9780071829137
ISBN10 / 007182913X
EAN / 9780071829137
誠品26碼 / 2680843745009
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.4X22.9CM
級別 / N:無
