內容簡介 全球百大公共知識份子札卡瑞亞帶我們預見未來。自冷戰結束以來,世界已經發生了三次大震盪。2001年的911事件、2008年的金融崩潰,以及現正水深火熱的2019冠狀病毒大流行。每一次都是「不對稱威脅」(asymmetric threat),從一些看似很小的事情開始,並且與過去世界所經歷的任何事情都不一樣。列寧曾說過:「有時可能幾十年都沒有大事發生,但有時也可能在短時間內一口氣發生幾十年才出現一次的巨變。」這一次,正是讓歷史巨輪快速轉動的關鍵時刻之一。COVID-19將如何加速歷史發展?未來的世界將呈現什麼樣貌?瘟疫肆虐的此刻,札卡瑞亞在這部來得迫切又及時的著作中,預言了後疫情時代的世界本質。疫情對政治、社會、科技、經濟等領域所造成的影響,很可能數年後才會真正顯現,他的論述將幫助我們理解疫後的世界樣貌。這10堂「課」讀來既令人警醒,又帶給人希望。他針對自然環境與生物危機、過時的左右派政治分類、數位生活的興起等各個面向提出討論,也深入分析全球化的未來、日益加劇的貧富差距,以及疫情如何使得美中關係惡化。札卡瑞亞促使我們思考,像人類這樣的社會動物,社群的概念已然融進我們的天性,而且更重要的是,正如他在結論中告訴我們的⸺⸺「天命依然未定」,未來切切實實的掌握在我們自己手中。《後疫情效應》說的是過去、現在和未來,是21世紀初難以忽視的,對世界的深刻省思。本中文書介出自《後疫情效應: CNN札卡瑞亞GPS主持人給世界的10堂課》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版Once we are past the immediate public health crisis of COVID-19, then what?Lenin once said, “there are decades when nothing happens and weeks when decades happen.” This is one of those times when history has sped up. CNN host and best-selling author Fareed Zakaria helps readers to understand the nature of a post-pandemic world: the political, social, technological, and economic impacts that may take years to unfold. This crisis will reshape the world we live in, because it affects all aspects of human life.In the form of ten straightforward “lessons,” covering topics from globalization and threat-preparedness, to inequality and technological advancement, to quality of government and the value of expert advice, Zakaria creates a structure for readers to begin thinking beyond the immediate impacts of COVID-19. Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World speaks to past, present, and future, and, while urgent and timely, is sure to become an enduring staple."
作者介紹 Fareed ZakariaFareed Zakaria hosts CNN's flagship international affairs show, Fareed Zakaria GPS, which airs across the world to 220 million households. He writes a weekly column for the Washington Post, which reaches between 80-100 million readers every month. His previous books include the bestsellers The Post-American World and The Future of Freedom.