People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent | 誠品線上

史迪格里茲改革宣言: 回應不滿世代的新資本主義

作者 史迪格里茲
商品描述 People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent:諾貝爾經濟獎得主史迪格里茲帶領讀者挑戰經濟現況拋開自由市場的基本教義重拾屬於我們的


內容簡介 諾貝爾經濟獎得主史迪格里茲帶領讀者挑戰經濟現況 拋開自由市場的基本教義 重拾屬於我們的全新經濟時代 我們都認為美國經濟及其政府都將經濟的重責大任放在大型企業上,但作者史迪格里茲卻在這部新作中解釋這樣的情況是非常危險的。目前已有少部分的財團主宰整個經濟大權,導致貧富不均加劇和經濟成長緩慢。這也造成金融業設法制定對自身較有利的法規,科技公司掌控大量的個人隱私數據卻無人監督,而政府卻簽訂了未能謀取勞工最大利益的貿易協定。越來越多人透過剝削而非創造財富與價直獲利。如果再不採取措施,新興科技不僅使經濟狀況變糟,不平等和失業人口也會持續上升。 史迪格里茲認為財富和提升人民生活水準的根源,必須透過教育學習、科學與科技優勢,以及真正的律法來制衡。若人民對司法、教育體系和媒體充滿抨擊,這些質疑與否定將導致推動美國經濟與民主的發展。即使我們對現況感到絕望,但並非真的無能為力,透過史迪格里茲權威的經濟學專業,為未來經濟指引了一條全新的改革道路,共同挑戰更美好的願景。 A Nobel prize winner challenges us to throw off the free market fundamentalists and reclaim our economy. We all have the sense that the American economy―and its government―tilts toward big business, but as Joseph E. Stiglitz explains in his new book, People, Power, and Profits, the situation is dire. A few corporations have come to dominate entire sectors of the economy, contributing to skyrocketing inequality and slow growth. This is how the financial industry has managed to write its own regulations, tech companies have accumulated reams of personal data with little oversight, and our government has negotiated trade deals that fail to represent the best interests of workers. Too many have made their wealth through exploitation of others rather than through wealth creation. If something isn’t done, new technologies may make matters worse, increasing inequality and unemployment. Stiglitz identifies the true sources of wealth and of increases in standards of living, based on learning, advances in science and technology, and the rule of law. He shows that the assault on the judiciary, universities, and the media undermines the very institutions that have long been the foundation of America’s economic might and its democracy. Helpless though we may feel today, we are far from powerless. In fact, the economic solutions are often quite clear. We need to exploit the benefits of markets while taming their excesses, making sure that markets work for us―the U.S. citizens―and not the other way around. If enough citizens rally behind the agenda for change outlined in this book, it may not be too late to create a progressive capitalism that will recreate a shared prosperity. Stiglitz shows how a middle-class life can once again be attainable by all. An authoritative account of the predictable dangers of free market fundamentalism and the foundations of progressive capitalism, People, Power, and Profits shows us an America in crisis, but also lights a path through this challenging time. 2 charts


作者介紹 史迪格里茲Joseph E. Stiglitz諾貝爾經濟學獎得主,著有《不公平的代價》(The Price of Inequality)、《失控的未來》(Freefall)和《全球化的許諾與失落》(Globalization and Its Discontents)等暢銷著作。他是《紐約時報》和Project Syndicate的專欄作家,亦替《浮華世界》(Vanity Fair)、美國政治新聞媒體Politico、《大西洋雜誌》(The Atlantic)和《哈潑雜誌》(Harper's)撰稿。目前任教於哥倫比亞大學,住在紐約市。


書名 / People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent
作者 / 史迪格里茲
簡介 / People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent:諾貝爾經濟獎得主史迪格里茲帶領讀者挑戰經濟現況拋開自由市場的基本教義重拾屬於我們的
ISBN13 / 9780393358339
ISBN10 / 039335833X
EAN / 9780393358339
誠品26碼 / 2681854150004
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.3X16.3X3CM
級別 / N:無