How to Die Alone: The Foolproof Guide to Not Helping Yourself | 誠品線上

讓我孤獨到死不行嗎? 厭世族的終極精神指南

作者 Mo Welch
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 How to Die Alone: The Foolproof Guide to Not Helping Yourself:孤單老死‧教學手冊大家一起,放棄努力人生吧!(特價品恕不再折)孤僻和真性情間,往往只有一線之隔!看


內容簡介 孤單老死 ‧ 教學手冊大家一起,放棄努力人生吧!★影集〈良善之地〉製作人Megan Amram狂笑盛讚!「這書真的太讚了,要不是我已放棄社交,不然我會推薦給我所有朋友!」★IG超過118K讀者紓壓淚推!★Amazon五星厭世好評!「句句酸在點上,幽默到爆!日常高壓都被釋放了!」「太精彩的書,讓我拚博士的路上不孤單(大笑)」「本書讓我知道,當個討厭社交的人也可以!我不孤單。」這是一本對自我成長沒幫助的書……但對活過痛苦的今天,是必要的生存之書!如果你……——只想穿著運動褲賴家——只想每餐吃比薩度日——只想耍廢,什麼正事都不幹「沒關係啦,真的算了。」人生,就是這樣生無可戀。這是Blair,是你,也是我。是我們從未有過的知心好友、是我們不敢承認的自己!在本書中,她將和你分享有點厭世但絕對誠實的人生觀、教你如何當個稱職的宅男宅女、把原本就很無聊的工作搞砸、破壞自己的每一段戀情,而且絕對、保證讓你擁有人生的自主權──在沙發與健身房之間做出正確的選擇。讓我們追隨Blair的腳步,享受每天穿著運動褲,天天關在家跟貓說話的獨居生活。Blair教我們的五大人生哲學:• 拒絕無用社交• 太累的友誼乾脆不要• 工作考績差就算了• 想吃就吃吧!就胖吧!• 渣男瞎女閃遠點從今天開始,跟Blair一起「勇敢說不」!——拒絕出門跑趴!——拒絕祝同事生日快樂!(除非他有請你吃蛋糕)——拒絕線上或現實生活中任何形式的約會!----------本書謹獻:被生活、工作追到喘不過氣/受夠正能量口號/高度壓力無從宣洩/一看梗圖就停不下來的#厭世男女們----------勇敢的靈魂們,偶爾厭世沒關係!廢一下、喘口氣,躺在沙發上吃飽睡,啥都沒做,明天又是新的一天。本中文書介出自《讓我孤獨到死不行嗎? 厭世族的終極精神指南》三采文化股份有限公司出版There’s an entire industry built on the idea of helping people to push hard and succeed in love, work, fitness, and finances. But what about those people who would so much rather stay home and eat pizza with the cat while binge-watching Netflix? Who’s telling them that it’s OK to be a couch potato?Blair, that’s who. The creation of cartoonist and stand-up comic Mo Welch, Blair is the awkward, self-deprecating, totally relatable anti-heroine who already has 65,000 followers on Instagram and an animated show on TBS Digital. Now Blair is the face, the voice, and the attitude of How to Die Alone, the perfect self-help book for not helping yourself—and a funny, irreverent gift for millennials struggling to “adult.”Forget winning friends and influencing people—here’s advice on how to win the Worst Friend Award instead, including: Always be late, never offer to drive (anywhere), and treat your friend’s kitchen like an open bar. Plus the ins and outs of terrible dates, permission to eat cookies instead of going to the gym, and how to treat your job like the inconvenience that it is. It’s the genuinely funny, tongue-in-cheek guide to just saying no."


書名 / How to Die Alone: The Foolproof Guide to Not Helping Yourself
作者 / Mo Welch
簡介 / How to Die Alone: The Foolproof Guide to Not Helping Yourself:孤單老死‧教學手冊大家一起,放棄努力人生吧!(特價品恕不再折)孤僻和真性情間,往往只有一線之隔!看
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9781523504268
ISBN10 / 1523504269
EAN / 9781523504268
誠品26碼 / 2681708944001
頁數 / 144
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.2X15.2X0CM
級別 / N:無