Lacan : Anti-Philosophy 3 | 誠品線上

Lacan : Anti-Philosophy 3

作者 Alain Badiou
商品描述 Lacan : Anti-Philosophy 3:AlainBadiouisarguablythemostsignificantphilosopherinEuropetoday.Badiou'sseminars,givenannuallyonmajorconceptualandhistoricaltopics,co


內容簡介 Alain Badiou is arguably the most significant philosopher in Europe today. Badiou's seminars, given annually on major conceptual and historical topics, constitute an enormously important part of his work. They served as laboratories for his thought and public illuminations of his complex ideas yet remain little known. This book, the transcript of Badiou's year-long seminar on the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan, is the first volume of his seminars to be published in English, opening up a new and vital aspect of his thinking. In a highly original and compelling account of Lacan’s theory and therapeutic practice, Badiou considers the challenge that Lacan poses to fundamental philosophical topics such as being, the subject, and truth. Badiou argues that Lacan is a singular figure of the “anti-philosopher,” a series of thinkers stretching back to Saint Paul and including Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, with Lacan as the last great anti-philosopher of modernity. The book offers a forceful reading of an enigmatic yet foundational thinker and sheds light on the crucial role that Lacan plays in Badiou's own thought. This seminar, more accessible than some of Badiou's more difficult works, will be profoundly valuable for the many readers across academic disciplines, art and literature, and political activism who find his thought essential.


作者介紹 Alain Badiou is emeritus professor of philosophy at the École normale supérieure in Paris. His Columbia University Press books include Plato’s Republic: A Dialogue in Sixteen Chapters (2015) and There’s No Such Thing as a Sexual Relationship: Two Lessons on Lacan (with Barbara Cassin, 2017).Kenneth Reinhard is professor of comparative literature and English at the University of California, Los Angeles.Susan Spitzer is a frequent translator of Badiou’s works.


書名 / Lacan : Anti-Philosophy 3
作者 / Alain Badiou
簡介 / Lacan : Anti-Philosophy 3:AlainBadiouisarguablythemostsignificantphilosopherinEuropetoday.Badiou'sseminars,givenannuallyonmajorconceptualandhistoricaltopics,co
ISBN13 / 9780231171489
ISBN10 / 023117148X
EAN / 9780231171489
誠品26碼 / 2681652355007
頁數 / 312
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.8X14.7X2.8CM
級別 / N:無