The Outlaw Ocean: Journeys Across the Last Untamed Frontier | 誠品線上

罪行海洋: 穿越地表最遼闊的犯罪地域, 揭開海上千萬奴工的悲慘生活, 普立茲獎記者橫渡五大洋、二十片海域的第一手紀實

作者 伊恩.爾比納
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 The Outlaw Ocean: Journeys Across the Last Untamed Frontier:"Ariveting,terrifying,thrillingstoryofanetherworldthatfewpeopleknowabout,andfewerwilleversee....The


內容簡介 普立茲獎得主花費五年的第一手海洋生存實境秀 人類的足跡幾乎已踏過全球的每一處,唯獨對海洋這個廣大的水域了解還不深,也因此海洋可說是地球上最原始的地方之一,在這裡人類的活動在實踐上和道德上都有極高的挑戰,為了生存你不知道自己會做出什麼事。 偷渡客、海盜、雇傭兵、債務催討人、奴隸、挖油等等,作者Ian Urbina花了五年充滿危險的調查,寫下海上未知的另一個世界,將這個世界的居民,和他們無時無刻為了生存而和環境奮戰的生活介紹給讀者們。 透過他們混雜著勇氣、殘忍、生存和悲劇的故事,Urbina也揭開了漁業、挖油產業、貨運業等行業正在擴大的犯罪網絡。 作者Ian Urbina是一名調查記者,文章常出現在紐約時報和大西洋報,同時也是國家地理雜誌合作夥伴,曾獲得普立茲獎和喬治·波爾卡新聞獎,也曾獲得艾美獎提名。"A riveting, terrifying, thrilling story of a netherworld that few people know about, and fewer will ever see.... The soul of this book is as wild as the ocean itself."--Susan Casey, best-selling author of The Wave: In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks, and Giants of the OceanA riveting, adrenaline-fueled tour of a vast, lawless and rampantly criminal world that few have ever seen: the high seas.There are few remaining frontiers on our planet. But perhaps the wildest, and least understood, are the world's oceans: too big to police, and under no clear international authority, these immense regions of treacherous water play host to rampant criminality and exploitation.Traffickers and smugglers, pirates and mercenaries, wreck thieves and repo men, vigilante conservationists and elusive poachers, seabound abortion providers, clandestine oil-dumpers, shackled slaves and cast-adrift stowaways -- drawing on five years of perilous and intrepid reporting, often hundreds of miles from shore, Ian Urbina introduces us to the inhabitants of this hidden world. Through their stories of astonishing courage and brutality, survival and tragedy, he uncovers a globe-spanning network of crime and exploitation that emanates from the fishing, oil and shipping industries, and on which the world's economies rely.Both a gripping adventure story and a stunning exposé, this unique work of reportage brings fully into view for the first time the disturbing reality of a floating world that connects us all, a place where anyone can do anything because no one is watching.


作者介紹 Ian UrbinaIan Urbina is an investigative reporter for The New York Times . H e has won a Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News and a George Polk Award for Foreign Reporting. Several of his stories have been developed into major feature films and one was nominated for an Emmy Award. He has degrees in history and cultural anthropology from Georgetown University and the University of Chicago. Before joining the Times, he was a Fulbright Fellow in Cuba and he also wrote about the Middle East and Africa for various outlets including the Los Angeles Times, Vanity Fair, and Harper's Magazine. He lives in Washington, D.C., with his family.


書名 / The Outlaw Ocean: Journeys Across the Last Untamed Frontier
作者 / 伊恩.爾比納
簡介 / The Outlaw Ocean: Journeys Across the Last Untamed Frontier:"Ariveting,terrifying,thrillingstoryofanetherworldthatfewpeopleknowabout,andfewerwilleversee....The
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781524711641
ISBN10 / 1524711640
EAN / 9781524711641
誠品26碼 / 2681785902000
頁數 / 560
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X15.6X0CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 369