Art Of Monsters | 誠品線上

Art Of Monsters

作者 Lasseter, John/ Docter, Pete
商品描述 Art Of Monsters:TheArtofMonsters,Inc.opensthedoorintoPixar'scolorfularchivesofconceptartandtotheendearingstoryofMonsters,Inc.Sincetheveryfirstbedtime,childrena


內容簡介 The Art of Monsters, Inc. opens the door into Pixar's colorful archives of concept art and to the endearing story of Monsters, Inc. Since the very first bedtime, children around the world have known that once their parents tuck them into bed and shut off the light, monsters lie waiting behind closet doors, ready to emerge. But what they don't realize is that these monsters scare children because they have to. It's their job. This superb film from Pixar Studios, the people who brought you Toy Story, A Bug's Life, and Toy Story 2, reveals the truth about monsters with the brilliant techniques that have earned them their reputation as a ground-breaking animation studio. This incredible body of artwork was commissioned from the top artists, illustrators, and animators in the industry and from it the ultimate visual approach of the film was defined. From sketches scribbled on napkins and quickly inked marker drawings, to finished oil paintings and fabulous pastel color scripts, this behind-the-scenes artwork reveals the elaborate creative process behind a blockbuster film.


各界推薦 你還記得您年紀還小的時候,是不是總擔心床底下藏著會噬人的怪獸呢?或是害怕一個人待在陰黯的房間裡?相信這是很多人的夢靨吧!迪士尼電影公司與皮克斯動畫工作室的最新3D電腦動畫力作-【怪獸電力公司】(Monsters, Inc.),就要再度喚回你的記憶!只是這次是以您意想不到的方式! 迪士尼與皮克斯繼【玩具總動員】、【蟲蟲危機】、【玩具總動員2】之後,再度合作推出這部精采的【怪獸電力公司】,只是這一次令人大喊救命的竟是怪物!一個讓人忽略卻與人並存的怪物世界,維繫所有怪物世界的能源供應竟是靠怪獸們在嚇小孩的同時,把他們聲音的能量收集且儲存起來。荷特路老闆經營的『怪獸電力公司』正是收集與製造能量的大工廠。但是隨著時代愈來愈進步,現代的小朋友卻什麼都不怕,怪物的世界因此面臨嚴重的〝能源危機〞。 最令人感到刺激的部份是怪獸們最怕的人類卻在一次意外中闖入,這個怪物們都認為有毒的小女孩“布”,因此引起了一陣大恐慌,故事主角毛怪和大眼仔卻意外發現人類小孩其實是無害的,甚至發現小孩們笑聲是更佳的能量供給,於是他們決定盡一切力量保護“布”,最後當然順利護送她回家,也成為好朋友。 電影上映後不僅在美國創下超過兩億元的亮麗票房,溫馨且逗趣的故事內容也同樣的在國內掀起毛毛怪旋風。相關的商品也受到大小朋友們的喜愛與蒐藏。現在我們為您引進國外版的【怪獸電力公司】圖鑑。裡面包括故事的構想、草圖與所有主角人物的設計及內容,大量的圖片與照片,不僅讓您了解一部動畫電影的完成與需要多少的人力與智慧,也可以讓喜愛這部電影的您珍藏。


作者介紹 John Lasseter is Pixar Animation Studios's executive vice-president of creative and the director of Toy Story, A Bug's Life, and Toy Story 2. He most recently served as the executive producer of Monsters, Inc. and Finding Nemo, and is currently executive producer of The Incredibles.Pete Docter has been with Pixar Animation Studios since 1990. He is the director of Monsters, Inc.


書名 / Art Of Monsters
作者 / Lasseter, John Docter, Pete
簡介 / Art Of Monsters:TheArtofMonsters,Inc.opensthedoorintoPixar'scolorfularchivesofconceptartandtotheendearingstoryofMonsters,Inc.Sincetheveryfirstbedtime,childrena
ISBN13 / 9780811833882
ISBN10 / 0811833887
EAN / 9780811833882
誠品26碼 / 2611270238000
頁數 / 144
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無