Origami Studio Kit: 30 Step-by-Step Lessons with an Origami Master (+DVD) | 誠品線上

Origami Studio Kit: 30 Step-by-Step Lessons with an Origami Master (+DVD)

作者 Michael G. LaFosse/ Richard L. Alexander
商品描述 Origami Studio Kit: 30 Step-by-Step Lessons with an Origami Master (+DVD):歡迎來到OrigamiStudio,一個盒子裡的藝術工作坊。本書包含一套完整的工具組和一張DVD教學


內容簡介 您喜歡摺紙嗎?本書曾榮獲2012 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Best Video Award,將在書中和您分享所有關於摺紙的大小事,讓您用一張紙創造出無限可能。歡迎來到Origami Studio,一個盒子裡的藝術工作坊。本書包含一套完整的工具組和一張DVD教學光碟,將幫助您輕鬆創造出各種美麗的摺紙藝術。由世界知名的摺紙大師Michael LaFosse,帶著您一步步地完成30堂摺紙課程,完全依您的步調完成從入門到中階的教學進度。在上完本書的課程之後,您將初步了解摺紙藝術的相關技巧,奠定您踏入摺紙藝術的紮實基礎。本書的作者是Michael G. LaFosse,他從事摺紙藝術已有超過40年的經歷,被視為是摺紙領域的頂尖大師。此外,他也是Origamido Studio的共同創辦人,不遺餘力地推廣摺紙藝術。本書的另一位作者是Richard L. Alexander,他和Michael G. LaFosse在1996年創辦了Origamido Studio,至今兩人已合作出版了超過50種以上和摺紙相關的刊物、影片和工具組。


作者介紹 Origami Master Michael G. LaFosse has been an origami artist for over 40 years and is considered a leading authority and master of the art. An avid teacher, LaFosse co-founded the Origamido Studio, a learning center and design studio dedicated to the art of origami, and the only place in the world specializing in hand papermaking for the origami artist. Author of many books and videotapes relating to paper folding and hand papermaking, LaFosse produces fine paper art and commercial designs for a variety of international clients. He was prominently featured in the recent Peabody Award-winning documentary, Between the Folds.Richard L. Alexander co-founded the Origamido Studio, where he is the chief papermaker. As a designer, his specialties have included biology (systems ecology) and landscape architecture. Together, Alexander and LaFosse have created dozens of origami exhibitions, and more than seventy books, kits, and videos about paper and paper arts.Origami Master Michael G. LaFosse has been an origami artist for over 40 years and is considered a leading authority and master of the art. An avid teacher, LaFosse co-founded the Origamido Studio, a learning center and design studio dedicated to the art of origami, and the only place in the world specializing in hand papermaking for the origami artist. Author of many books and videotapes relating to paper folding and hand papermaking, LaFosse produces fine paper art and commercial designs for a variety of international clients. He was prominently featured in the recent Peabody Award-winning documentary, Between the Folds.Richard L. Alexander co-founded the Origamido Studio, where he is the chief papermaker. As a designer, his specialties have included biology (systems ecology) and landscape architecture. Together, Alexander and LaFosse have created dozens of origami exhibitions, and more than seventy books, kits, and videos about paper and paper arts.


書名 / Origami Studio Kit: 30 Step-by-Step Lessons with an Origami Master (+DVD)
作者 / Michael G. LaFosse Richard L. Alexander
簡介 / Origami Studio Kit: 30 Step-by-Step Lessons with an Origami Master (+DVD):歡迎來到OrigamiStudio,一個盒子裡的藝術工作坊。本書包含一套完整的工具組和一張DVD教學
ISBN13 / 9784805311523
ISBN10 / 4805311525
EAN / 9784805311523
誠品26碼 / 2680678103005
頁數 / 80
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X24.1CM
級別 / N:無
