內容簡介 愛爾蘭版的《托斯卡尼艷陽下》法國自費出版書籍,竄升2013年暢銷書榜,英文版終於問世!法國銷售超越《格雷的五十道陰影》,即將改編為電影!在法國巴黎經營咖啡店「Happy People Read and Drink Coffee」的Diane,看似擁有美滿的生活。然而,突如其來的一場車禍,瞬間奪走了丈夫與年幼女兒的性命。無法從過往的記憶走出來的她,疏遠朋友與家人,也關上了心房。她決定將自己放逐到愛爾蘭海岸的小鎮,試圖獨自重建新生活,直到她遇見充滿魅力卻脾氣暴躁的攝影師Edward,與他發展出一段出乎意料的戀情……他們之間,會有什麼樣的未來?Diane內心的傷口,有辦法癒合嗎?Diane, owner of Happy People Read and Drink Coffee, a cosy coffee shop turned library in Paris, seems to have the perfect life. But when she suddenly loses her husband and daughter in a car accident, her life is overturned and the world as she knows it disappears. Trapped by her memories, Diane closes her shop and retreats from friends and family. One year later, she moves from Paris to a small town on the Irish coast, determined to heal by rebuilding her life alone, without anyone's help or pity - until she meets Edward, a handsome and moody Irish photographer. Along windy shores and cobbled streets, Diane falls into a surprising and tumultuous romance. As she works to overcome her painful memories, Diane and Edward's once-in-a-lifetime connection inspires her to love herself and the world around her with new-found inner strength and happiness. But will it last when Diane leaves Ireland, and Edward, for good?