2018 AICA International Congress Taiwan: Art Criticism in the Age of Virtuality and Democracy | 誠品線上

2018 AICA International Congress Taiwan: Art Criticism in the Age of Virtuality and Democracy

作者 中華民國藝評人協會
出版社 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司國家書店松江門市
商品描述 2018 AICA International Congress Taiwan: Art Criticism in the Age of Virtuality and Democracy:ArtCriticismintheageofVirtualityandDemocracyTheCongressThemeaddre


內容簡介 Art Criticism in the age of Virtuality and DemocracyThe Congress Theme addresses some key issues concerning the role of art criticism related to the new tendencies. Firstly, the virtual is not the opposite of reality but rather an increasing part of our reality. Presently, communities, social relations, everyday life, the body, and even biological life are in the processes of mass virtualization. Life itself has been supposed as an algorithm, AI as a brain without body, while space-time’s relationship is virtualized in VR technology. A virtual enterprise need no longer convene its employees onsite, but rather can delegate work to be done remotely, thus re-articulating the time-space relationship of its workers. Secondly, if we make an observation of a longer duration, there seems to be an unquestionable expansion of democracy which can be confirmed by the democratic transitions beginning in the mid-1970s, which span from Latin America to Taiwan and South Korea, through the end of the cold war, and to following transitions in Eastern Europe, the Color Revolution and the Umbrella Movement in Hong-Kong in the fall of 2014. Nevertheless in more recent years, the phenomenon of the retreat of democracy can also be observed in the uprising of the populism worldwide.Two sub-themes:1.Art criticism in the age of virtuality2.Art discourse facing challenged democracy1.Art criticism in the age of virtuality: How does the situation in which the rapid pace of development in computer and media technologies affect the description, interpretation and evaluation of contemporary art? More precisely, does art criticism develop new methodology and new languages concerning its analysis and new problematics in its debates?2.Art discourse facing challenged democracy: How is art discourse constitutive of the collective representations and imaginary of democracy? In the situation of democracy under challenge, how are these social-political phenomena reflected in new developments of censorship and self-censorship, or post-truth? For new problems brought out by transitional justice, what kind of function can art discourse play?


作者介紹 ■作者簡介中華民國藝評人協會AICAThe International Association of Art Critics (AICA) was founded in 1950 and was admitted in 1951 to the rank of NGO. AICA comprises various experts anxious to develop international cooperation in the fields of artistic creation, dissemination and cultural development.AICA brings together around 5,000 art professionals from 95 countries all over the world, organised into 63 National Sections and an Open Section. The most recent Annual International Congresses to be organised by AICA have held in Poland (2013), Seoul, South Korea (2014), London, England (2015), Havana, Cuba (2016), and Paris, France (2017).The members of AICA includes art critics, art historians and art educators, as well as curators from museums of modern art. Their aim is to compare their point of views concerning the vocation of art criticism, to analyse their responsibility in regard to artists and public, and to outline the particular nature of their contributions in relation to developments in the fields of art history.


產品目錄 Preface/Chi-Ming Lin and the Scientific Committee of AICA TaiwanContributorsForking Democracy/Audrey TangThe Matrix of Visibility and Legitimacy: Art and Democracy in the Age of Digital Participation/Nikos PapastergiadisSeventy Years of AICA, Reflected Through the PRISME Research Project:Some Preliminary Findings from the Archives in Rennes/Henry Meyric HughesThe Poetics and Politics of Shane Cullen’s ‘The Agreement’ Liam KellyTrajective Art Criticism: Boats (Trains, Planes) and Home in the Era of Retreat from Democracy/Richard ReadThe Illusion of Art Without Mediation: Challenging the Challenged Democracy/Rui Gonçalves CepedaOn “Art Criticism in the Age of Virtuality”/Lisbeth BondeTurbulence: How Can Creativity and Art Criticism Respond to Unsettling Times in the Age of Virtuality?/Natalie KingThe Post-Internet Way of Art Criticism/Ewa WójtowiczAesthetic of Protest: The Colorful Revolution/Jovanka Popova and Mira GacinaA Field of Non-Field/Chieh-Jen ChenNotes on the Causes/Chieh-Jen Chen and Chien-Hung HuangTruth or Post-Truth?/Rahma KhazamA Brave New Virtual World?/Elisa RuscaThe Image War of Chiang Kai-shek’s Statues: The State of Exception in the Process of Promoting Transitional Justice in Taiwan/Kang-Jung ChanNo More Professional Writers in the Future?/Agnieszka SuralUnlimited Uncertainty: A Critical Narrative of Art Self-Powered by the Virtual/Lisa Paul StreitfeldPolitics of Performance Art Before and After 1989/Małgorzata KaźmierczakArt as Events with the Virtual: Rethinking about the Democracy and Bureaucracy/Raylin TsaiThe Post-Enlightenment Fallacy: Political Art and the Fate of Aesthetics/Joe NolanWithin Digital Culture: The Hyperimage Perspective on Art and Criticism/Alfredo CramerottiTotal Control and Censorship: Towards a New Humanity?/Bernhard SerexheEco-Democracy and the Romanian Contemporary Public Art/Marilena Preda SancTo the Moon/Laurie Anderson and Hsin-Chien HuangOn “Art Discourse Facing Challenged Democracy”/Bélgica RodríguezExploring Robots/robotlabAICA-USA Online: Being Effective, Virtual, and Real in the Twenty-First Century/Judith E. Stein and Jamie KeeslingHyperallergic: A Model for Art Criticism and Cultural in the Digital Age/Holly CrawfordAn Eco-System of Criticism-Activism to Empower “Overcoming the Past”-Film Discourse and 〈NN 15〉 Community Project of Taiwan’s White Terror Memory/Yu-Juin WangXiao Lu’s Dialogue/Damian SmithArctic Environmental Challenges through Virtuality/Jean BundyContemporary Art, Democratization and Social Change:Politics of Art in Postcolonial Buddhist Sri Lanka/Sabine GrosserA Theater - in Absence/Felix Ho Yuen ChanIn Search of a Critical Conscience/Ernesto Muñoz


書名 / 2018 AICA International Congress Taiwan: Art Criticism in the Age of Virtuality and Democracy
作者 / 中華民國藝評人協會
簡介 / 2018 AICA International Congress Taiwan: Art Criticism in the Age of Virtuality and Democracy:ArtCriticismintheageofVirtualityandDemocracyTheCongressThemeaddre
出版社 / 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司國家書店松江門市
ISBN13 / 9789863266327
ISBN10 / 9863266329
EAN / 9789863266327
誠品26碼 / 2681684593002
頁數 / 328
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17X24CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 582g


自序 : 序言


⓪Chi-Ming Lin和AICA台灣科學委員會










AICA台灣特別感謝所有35位貢獻者提交他們令人印象深刻的作品,以及AICA International-LisbethRebolloGonçalves總裁,名譽主席Jacques Leenhardt,秘書長Allthorpe-Guyton Marjorie,財務主管 - Mathilde Roman和辦公室助理Nathalie Rousselle給予了極大的幫助。沒有文化部,科技部,外交部和台灣教育部(ROC)的財政或組織支持,本書是不可能實現的。此外,我們感謝台北市政府,台北美術館,台北教育大學的支持:

NTUE藝術與設計系,當代藝術批判與策展研究,NTUE博物館,音樂系。特別感謝私人協會 - 雪雪基金會,台新控股和文化藝術基金會,國泰世紀保險,白鷺基金會和Bonyu有限公司的讚助。

我們非常感謝“AICA藝術評論傑出貢獻獎”和“青年藝術評論家AICA獎勵獎”評審委員會:賴相林,陳光義,蔣新貞,陳亞春,慈濟-Chieh Chien,Chang-Wen Chang,Yang YEUNG,Nhung WALSH,Chien-Mei LIU,Jeannine TANG,Damian Smith和Mariko Takeuchi。還要特別感謝AICA台灣籌備委員會和科學委員會 - 黃海明,楊顯紅,程水鵬,陳洲新,張慶文,陳立富,蔡琳妍,穆 - 吳清,謝培妮,陳志祥,吳義華,陳洪義,徐曼,林洪華,鄭勝華,趙志勇,黃文浩。此外,我們感謝台灣AICA主席和本書主編林志敏以及編輯工作團隊 - Tien-Han Chang,Shih-Ting Wang,
