The Science of Destiny Reading Using Bazi: Demystifying BaZi the Logical Way | 誠品線上

The Science of Destiny Reading Using Bazi: Demystifying BaZi the Logical Way

作者 Gwan-Hwan Hwang/ Hsing-Fen Chiang
出版社 聯合發行股份有限公司
商品描述 The Science of Destiny Reading Using Bazi: Demystifying BaZi the Logical Way:★★★佳評如潮的《科學斷八字》推出英文版囉!★★★八字命理其實是科學的!本書是由工


內容簡介 佳評如潮的《科學斷八字》推出英文版囉!八字命理其實是科學的! 本書是由工程博士黃冠寰教授所作, 作者從科學教育的基礎, 盼為八字命理奠定下科學思維! 八字命理是科學的,是確確實實可掌握在手中的生活法則。 本書的科學命理.能幫助您破除迷信, 解決人生的疑惑.讓您的人生順遂! 作者為清華大學工程博士,曾發表過國際級會議論文及SCI英文期刊論文數十篇,近年並連續數年榮登Marquis世界名人錄,這樣一位擁有邏輯思維的專業科學家要告訴你:八字命理其實是科學的! 如何科學?以做研究的態度學習命理,遍覽群書,剔除傳統命理邏輯不通、論述不對之處。最後以木火土金水及陰陽五行相生剋合為中心思想,建構出一套完整有系統的論證法,依此法再廣為蒐集案例,持續追蹤命主動向,來回印證,並根據許多為別人論命的經驗,終於寫成《科學斷八字》一書。 由於現今世界局勢與自然環境變遷越來越快,各項社會制度與價值觀也面臨重大轉型,生活不再單純穩定,人心惶惶,我們都更需要一種可確確實實掌握在手中的生活法則,以安浮動之心。而八字命理是中國千年傳承下來的知命技術,可幫助人了解自己生命中「天生」的部分,正是一份不會隨著外在環境而變的指南,包含我們的優勢、缺點、特質、人際關係等,以及中國獨有的人生智慧。 使用本書科學論證法解析出屬於自己的人生指南,配合自然節氣變化作出因應,便能讓我們於開創自己「後天」的路上不致迷失,進而人生順遂,臻於圓滿。 ◎各卷摘要 【卷之一╱卷之二】讀者先閱讀一些案例,首先了解八字命理的論命法可以如何幫助我們,以決定是否要使用命理學來解決生命中的疑惑及幫助改善自身生活。另一方面立志學習及研究命理的朋友,可以了解八字論命能達到多少的成效,進而有正確的學習方向。 【卷之三】研讀一些八字命理的基礎,如五行、天干地支、節氣、十神等。 【卷之四】讀者能以八字命理的基礎理論,根據命局中五行交互作用的關係,判斷出一個人的個性、特質、學業及學運、適合行業、身體及疾病注意事項等。 【卷之五】根據大運、流年、流月、流日的進氣,來判斷人生不同時期的命運,進而能依進氣的變化來趨吉避凶。 【卷之六】讀完前五卷,讀者已對八字論命有基本的認識,〈卷之六〉將介紹如何進一步加深八字論命的功力,是有志為他人論命者必須知道的內容。 【卷之七】特別針對一些錯誤的八字論命法或觀點,加以討論。 【卷之八】與讀者分享,幫人論命時要注意的事項和該有的心理準備。 Bazi is the powerful and ancient art of destiny reading used by the Chinese for many centuries. Let Dr. Hwang unveil the mystery of Chinese fortune telling through an analytical and logical approach. Readers who are patient enough to read the book in its entirety will not only be rewarded with the tools and ability to unlock their future, but also fulfil their life’s potential. This book is not only for those who are interested in understanding Chinese metaphysics, but also for anyone who would like to clear up any doubts or misunderstandings about this wonderful art of destiny reading. Study BaZi, the most popular Chinese art of fortune telling, in an entirely new and easy way! Forget about the myths and superstitions that have surrounded it for centuries. Let Dr. Hwang lead you to unveil the mysterious art of BaZi with a logical and analytical perspective. Dr. Gwan-Hwan Hwang, Ph.D., is a professor of Engineering at Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan, with dozens of papers published in global engineering conventions and SCI journals. His name is also listed in Marquis Who’s Who. With this background, Dr. Hwang studied BaZi for years with the same scientific discipline as he has done in the academic field of engineering. With a logical and scientific approach, he was able to decipher the ancient art of destiny readings, dusting off the misconceptions and superstitions that have been misleading practitioners and the general public alike for generations, and restoring BaZi to its original beauty. Dr. Hwang further strengthened his theory by verifying it with thousands of real-life cases, many of which he has been tracking for years. This book summarizes the best of his findings as well as the most representative cases he has gathered so far. Unlike other books about fortune telling, which almost always resort to divine power or myths that cannot be explained with logic, Dr. Hwang illustrates everything about the art of BaZi in a logical and systematic way, making everything easy to understand. Readers shall be able to quickly grasp the concepts and theory behind BaZi, and apply it in their day-to-day lives. In this book, Dr. Hwang summarizes the principles of BaZi in a systematic way. Readers will be able to quickly understand the system and logic behind BaZi, and start applying it in their daily lives. In the modern era, where uncertainty has become the norm, a tool that helps people better understand and guide themselves through different situations is more valuable than ever. The art of BaZi, in the hands of those who truly understand it, is like a compass. It not only helps reveal one’s personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, but it also guides one through life’s vicissitudes. Mastering BaZi helps us to better know who we are, manage our lives, and create our own destinies.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介黃冠寰(清華大學工程博士) 台北長大,高中就讀台北市建國中學,父母希望他學醫,但他堅持要讀理工。在交通大學取得學士、碩士學位、清華大學取得工程博士學位。服完兵役後順利取得國立大學教職,現任國立大學教授,曾任系主任及學院副院長、工程領域科學家。無師自通以科學家思維研究八字命理,閒暇時幫人論命、解決問題,深獲許多朋友仰賴,受他們鼓勵而著書,以饗世人。 ●發表國際級會議論文及SCI英文期刊論文數十篇 ●被登錄於Marquis 2007亞洲名人錄;Marquis 2008、2010、2012世界名人錄;Marquis 2011–2012科學及工程名人錄 Author Introduction: Dr. Gwan-Hwan Hwang, Ph.D. Attended Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School and graduated with a Degree and Masters at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. Dr. Hwang obtained his Ph.D. from Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan. After serving the military, he obtained a faculty position at a university in Taiwan and published dozens of papers at global engineering conventions and SCI journals. His name is also listed on Marquis Who’s Who. In 2009, he received tenure and is currently teaching and doing research in the field of science and engineering at a University in Taiwan. He was previously vice dean of the College of Science of his university as well. Dr. Hwang’s knowledge of BaZi was entirely self-taught and he applies a scientific and analytical approach to the study of destiny reading. Dr. Hwang currently spends his free time helping people resolve their life’s problems and has received admiration and respect from his followers and clients. With the encouragement of his followers, Dr. Hwang has decided to make his findings known through this book. 江幸芬 高中就讀新竹女中,清華大學外語系畢業,大學時十分活躍,從事英文教學二十餘年。工作之餘廣泛閱讀哲學、宗教、文學書籍,愛好自然、登山、健行及慢跑。對人觀察細微,性喜沉思及冥想。隨夫婿研究八字命理,從旁協助收集案例及分析、相互討論,甚有所得。目前亦提供命理服務及心理諮商,深獲好評。 Author Introduction: Hsing-Fen Chiang Went to National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School and graduated from Taiwan Tsing-Hua University, majoring in foreign languages. Chiang was very active during her university days and was captain of the school’s cheerleading team. She has been teaching English language for over 20 years. Chiang has a wide range of interests, ranging from philosophy, religion, literature to mountain climbing, speed walking, and jogging. She has very keen observational skills and is character wise. In addition, she practices meditation. Together with her husband who studies Bazi, she has been assisting in collecting all the case studies and partaking in analyses and active discussions with Dr. Hwang. She is currently also providing BaZi consultation and counseling services and has received very positive feedback from her female counterparts and friends.Richard WangTranslator Introduction Richard Wang Has a master’s degree in engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Santa Clara University in California. He spent six years in Silicon Valley as an engineering professional in the semiconductor field. In 2006, Richard moved back to Taiwan and worked of McKinsey & Company as a consultant. Over the past ten years, Richard has been both an entrepreneur and venture capitalist in the high-tech field.


產品目錄 Preface●Chapter 1 Understand BaZi with the Right MindsetThe Limitations of the Traditional BaZi MethodsOur Vision●Chapter 2 Real Cases of BaZi AnalysisCase Study 1 Ankylosing spondylitisCase Study 2 The affair of Chien-Min WangCase Study 3 No one believed what I saidCase Study 4 Never judge a person by appearanceCase Study 5 Confidential matters that is not known to family membersCase Study 6 In memory of EchoCase Study 7 It happened anywayCase Study 8 Recovery from cancerCase Study 9 Should you take the role of CEO?Case Study 10 Accidents that happened to me and my student●Chapter 3 The Basic Knowledge of BaZiSection 1 The Five ElementsProductionCounteringSection 2 The Ten Heavenly Stems (tian gan) and the Twelve Earthly Branches (di zhi)The Ten Heavenly Stems (天干 tian gan)The Twelve Earthly Branches (地支 di zhi)Section 3 Solar terms of the yearSection 4 Building a BaZi chartThe Four Pillars and the Grand FortuneBuilding a chartLooking up a person’s BaZi Chart on a websiteSection 5 Deriving the Ten Spirits from the relative positions of the Five ElementsSection 6 The structure (格局 ge ju) of a chartSection 7 Other important interactions among the Five ElementsYin and YangThe Clashes (沖 chong) of the Earthly BranchesCoupling and transformationOther●Chapter 4 Dissecting the Intrinsic Personalities with the Four PillarsSection 1 Using the Ten Spirits to tell a person’s characterPeersCreationsWealthOfficersEmpowermentsSection 2 Analyzing the interactions among the Four PillarsCases of ProductionsCases of CounteringSection 3 The Four Pillars and the physical health of a personWood is counteredFire is counteredEarth is counteredMetal is counteredWater is counteredOthersSection 4 Case Examples●Chapter 5 The Science of BaZi Analysis: Grand Fortune, Year Flow, and Month FlowSection 1 The energy of Year FlowSection 2 How to integrate Grand Fortune, Year Flow, and Month Flow into the analysis along with the Four PillarsSection 3 Grand Fortune, Year Flow, and Month Flow and their interactions with the Four PillarsOfficers Countering PeersEmpowerment Countering CreationCreation Countering OfficerPeers Countering WealthWealth Countering EmpowermentOfficer Produces EmpowermentPeer Produces CreationsCreation Produces WealthWealth Produces OfficerEmpowerment produces PeerSection 4 Case StudiesCase Study 1 Ankylosing spondylitisCase Study 2 The affair of Chien-Min WangCase Study 3 No one believed what I saidCase Study 4 Never judge a person by their appearanceCase Study 5 Not easy to read the chart of a relativeCase Study 6 In memory of EchoCase Study 7 Inescapable fateCase Study 8 Recovery from cancerCase Study 9 Should he take the role of CEO?Case Study 10 Accidents that happened to me and my studentCase Study 11 Troubled students born in the same monthCase Study 12 Can BaZi be used to help make major decisions?Case Study 13 Transformed Month BranchCase Study 14 Transformation affected by Year FlowCase Study 15 The death of Corporal HongCase Study 16 Is everything predestined? The BaZi of twinsCase Study 17 The life of Claude MonetCase Study 18 Lost and foundCase Study 19 Observing the energy in your day-to-day lifeCase Study 20 When disaster strikes: the six fallen heroes and the death of the famous director Chi Po-LinCase Study 21 Michael JordanCase Study 22 Elizabeth Taylor: the everlasting CleopatraCase Study 23 The Nobel laureate Ernest HemingwayCase Study 24 Starry Starry Night: The Life of Vincent Van GoghCase Study 25 The 2016 US presidential election: Trump vs. ClintonCase Study 26 2017 French Presidential Election:Macron vs. Le Pen●Chapter 6 Taking Your BaZi Analysis Skills to the Next LevelSection 1 The influence of Month FlowSection 2 How to analyze one’s wealthSection 3 Special BaZi patternsSubmissive PatternDominative PatternSection 4 When hour of birth is uncertainSection 5 Picking a good time of birthSection 6 Is it possible to predict one's time of marriage, time of death, and other major life events?Section 7 Is one’s life destined?Section 8 The physics of BaZi●Chapter 7 Debunking Common Myths and SuperstitionsSection 1 The Fallacy of the fu-yi (扶抑) MethodSection 2 Why some practitioners give wrong adviceSection 3 Changing fortuneSection 4 The kinds of BaZi practitioners to keep away from●Chapter 8 Practicing BaZi to Help Others: Some AdviceThe right attitude of BaZi consultationGuiding the energyPrinciple of confidentialityFeeSkill, ethic, wisdom, opportunity


書名 / The Science of Destiny Reading Using Bazi: Demystifying BaZi the Logical Way
作者 / Gwan-Hwan Hwang Hsing-Fen Chiang
簡介 / The Science of Destiny Reading Using Bazi: Demystifying BaZi the Logical Way:★★★佳評如潮的《科學斷八字》推出英文版囉!★★★八字命理其實是科學的!本書是由工
出版社 / 聯合發行股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789863187653
ISBN10 / 9863187658
EAN / 9789863187653
誠品26碼 / 2681754612008
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23X17X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 553.6g


最佳賣點 : ★★★佳評如潮的《科學斷八字》推出英文版囉!★★★



自序 : Gwan-Hwan Hwang (黃冠寰)

Even as of now, it is still very hard for me to believe that I am publishing a book about BaZi. As an engineer by training and a researcher in academic for over 20 years, mastering BaZi was never part of my plan. When I first started years ago, all I wanted to find out was whether BaZi has any truth in it or simply is a thousand-year-old baloney. I did not have any teacher to guide (or misled) me. I studied everything on my own, with the same systematic method I used in my academic research works. In my career I have published many papers and professional articles, but never a book addressed to the general public. Allow me to start by asking you to bear with me if in any part of this book the use of words is less than perfect.

Contrary to most of the books about fortunetelling, the main objective of this book is to help debunk superstitions. There are a lot of fortunetellers who practice without trying to improve or even verify their own analysis. Whenever the result is not accurate, they conveniently attribute it to Karma or some sort of will of divinity. They are never wrong because they always say things that are ambiguous and unverifiable, with the sole purpose to scam more money out of the client’s pocket. Those who fall for their scheme often lose a lot more than just money. Some happy couples are torn apart. Others simply do not dare to enter relationship. Some even send their children away for adoption because some fortuneteller tells them that keeping their children in the family could threaten their own lives. All these are, undoubtedly, superstitions, and should be condemned by all.

The art of fortune telling, especially BaZi, was considered highly valuable in ancient China. Each school of practitioners guarded their knowledge as the top secret. Many of them did so by spreading out false or misleading information so that they can keep the real knowledge within. This is why we are seeing so many false knowledge and superstition in the art of BaZi today. The only way to restore the knowledge to its purest essence is to study it with a scientific and logical attitude. I hope that this book can serve as a beginning of such endeavor.

The influence of BaZi and Five Element to one’s luck and life, although significant, is never absolute. Learning BaZi helps us understand the influence of the energies around us, but the purposes is to help us better plan our moves, not to make us submissive. We are still the masters of our lives. All we have to do is to incorporate the influence of BaZi as we plan ahead and maintain a proactive attitude.

Learning BaZi not only gave me the ability to help others, it also helped change my perspective toward life with a more open-minded and inclusive way. I become more interested in the topic of philosophy and life, and more willing to help others. Not only I make constant charity donation from the income of my BaZi practice, I also urge my clients to do the same.

I would like to thank my wife Hsin-Fen, who co-authored this book with me. Hsin-Fen has been my greatest help throughout the course of my BaZi study. She is a smart lady and is a lot more sensitive in personal interactions than I am. Therefore she can always provide me valuable feedback. A lot of insights and findings that I developed came from her inputs. I always discussed every case with her.

Since the first edition in Chinese was published, our readers have provided us lots of positive feedbacks. Such recognition is the best reward that drives us forward. We have also received lots of questions from readers ( We always replied each one of them as best as we could. Many readers even visited us in-person. Some of them come all the way to Taiwan from Hong Kong, Singapore, USA, and Canada. I have always been moved seeing that each of them carrying a copy of this book filled with their footnotes and remarks all over the pages. We really appreciate having such a group of supportive readers.

The basic principle of BaZi is simple, but applying it into real lives is a highly complicated art. I have the fortune to have a group of students, who identify with my idea of studying BaZi in scientific and logical perspective, and strengthened our course along the way. For that we are thankful.

This is our first English version. We made a lot of efforts to help English readers cross through the cultural barriers, which could have been the most difficult part for non-Chinese speakers to learn BaZi and perhaps the main reason that BaZi is less known outside the Chinese society. We believe that the principle of BaZi can be learned across cultures and does not need to be lost in translation. With that in mind, we made unprecedented changes such as marking Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches with simple symbols (H1 – H12, E1 – E12) instead of sticking to the Chinese phonetic translations (Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding,…). We also translate the Ten Spirits with the same principle – making it easy to understand for English readers, rather than sticking to the phonetics.

Anther major effort we made in the English version is adding a number of case examples familiar to our English readers. The original Chinese version contains mostly examples of people in Taiwan. To better relate the art of BaZi to our English readers, we added a number of cases examples of persons familiar to English readers, such as Ernest Hemingway, Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jordan, Van Gogh, and the recent presidential campaigns of US (Trump vs. Clinton) and France (Macron vs. Le Pen). We believe that these examples will bring the art of BaZi closer to our English speakers, and prove that the principle of BaZi is universal.

We are excited to have this book published. We hope you like our book and find the art of BaZi fascinating and look forward to any feedback you may have.
