Special Issue on Pai Hsien-yung No. 40 | 誠品線上

台灣文學英譯叢刊 No. 40: 白先勇專輯

作者 Kuo-ch'ing Tu (杜國清)/ Terence Russell (羅德仁)/ 編
出版社 五楠圖書用品股份有限公司
商品描述 Special Issue on Pai Hsien-yung No. 40:白先勇,可以說是當代華文作家中,不論是在台灣、在中國、在東南亞、在其他各地的華人世界中,最負盛名、最受肯定的作家。他的文


內容簡介 白先勇,可以說是當代華文作家中,不論是在台灣、在中國、在東南亞、在其他各地的華人世界中,最負盛名、最受肯定的作家。他的文學活動、創作成就和作家地位,與台灣文學的關係,是一個值得探討的現象,也是本叢刊這一專輯譯介他的作品的主要原因和探討的主題。 It could be said that Pai Hsien-yung is the most renowned and broadly recognized contemporary Chinese writer, whether in Taiwan, China, Southeast Asia, or any other region of the Chinese world. His literary activities, achievements, and status as an eminent writer within the context of Taiwan literature is a phenomenon worthy of study. Therefore, we dedicate an entire issue to exploring it. 這一專輯,由白先勇提供尚未翻譯成英文的小說,共五篇。其中收錄在《紐約客》中的有四篇:〈謫仙怨〉、〈骨灰〉、〈Danny Boy〉、〈Tea for Two〉。加上1971年作者與夏志清合譯的〈謫仙記〉,以及1980年作者與尹佩霞合譯的〈夜曲〉,《紐約客》一書中的六篇,以此完結。此外另有一篇近作,〈Silent Night〉,該是屬於《紐約客》系列,最初發表於《聯合報》「當代小說特區」(2015年12月24-25日)。 除了五篇小說之外,我們另外選譯了四篇散文,代表四個不同的題材,呈現在評論方面的不同面向:對《現代文學》當初創刊的回顧、五四以來中國小說缺乏藝術經營的問題、小說與電影的關係,以及一篇對新詩的評論—白先勇知道台灣詩壇壁壘分明,向來不涉及新詩的評論,這篇〈望帝春心的哀歌—讀杜國清的《心雲集》〉,也可以看出小說家與詩人對人生愛與哀的情感書寫,自有一份戚戚然的知音共鳴。


作者介紹 Kuo-ch'ing Tu (Editor) Kuo-ch'ing Tu, born in Taichung, Taiwan. His research interests include Chinese literature, Chinese poetics and literary theories, comparative literature East and West, and world literatures of Chinese (Shi-Hua wenxue). He is the author of numerous books of poetry in Chinese, as well as translator of English, Japanese, and French works into Chinese.Terence Russell (Editor) Terence Russell is an associate professor in the Asian Studies Center at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His early research dealt with classical Chinese literature and religion but for the past few years his interest has turned to contemporary literature in Chinese, especially the literature of Taiwan's indigenous people. Dr. Russell has a strong interest in translation and translation theory.


產品目錄 Foreword to the Special Issue on Pai Hsien-yung「白先勇專輯」卷頭語FictionTea for Two/Translated by Howard GoldblattDanny Boy/Translated by Sylvia Li-chun LinSilent Night/Translated by Terence RussellRemains of the Dead 骨灰/Translated by Steven RiepA Fallen Angel's Complaint 謫仙怨/Translated by Yingtsih HwangEssaysSocial Consciousness and the Art of Fiction—Problems withChinese Fiction after May Fourth 社會意識與小說藝術—「五四」以來中國小說的幾個問題/Translated by Christopher LupkeThe Historical Background to the Founding of ModernLiterature and Its Spiritual Orientation—Foreword for theReissue of Modern Literature 《現代文學》創立的時代背景及其精神風貌—寫在《現代文學》重刊之前/Translated by Linshan JiangNovels and Movies 小說與電影/Translated by Bert ScruggsLament for Emperor Wang's Amorous Heart—on reading Tu Kuo-ch'ing's Clouds of the Heart 望帝春心的哀歌—讀杜國清的《心雲集》/Translated by John BalcomAbout the TranslatorsAbout the EditorsSubscription Form


書名 / Special Issue on Pai Hsien-yung No. 40
作者 / Kuo-ch'ing Tu (杜國清) Terence Russell (羅德仁) 編
簡介 / Special Issue on Pai Hsien-yung No. 40:白先勇,可以說是當代華文作家中,不論是在台灣、在中國、在東南亞、在其他各地的華人世界中,最負盛名、最受肯定的作家。他的文
出版社 / 五楠圖書用品股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789863502401
ISBN10 / 9863502405
EAN / 9789863502401
誠品26碼 / 2681472486004
頁數 / 200
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14CM
級別 / N:無
