Collins English for Exams: Listening for IELTS (+2CD) | 誠品線上

Collins English for Exams: Listening for IELTS (+2CD)

作者 Fiona Aish/ Jo Tomlinson
出版社 書林出版有限公司
商品描述 Collins English for Exams: Listening for IELTS (+2CD):內容簡介本書有12個單元,前11個單元囊括雅思聽力測驗中經常出現的不同主題,建立單字庫,分析了解類型,並提供


內容簡介 本書有12個單元,前11個單元囊括雅思聽力測驗中經常出現的不同主題,建立單字庫,分析了解類型,並提供配合練習測驗。每單元主要有三部分:1. 介紹單元主題字彙,設計一系列練習來理解與活用這些單字;2. 實際考試中出現的各類題型,循序漸進的指引與對應段落說明;3. 試題演練,延續第二部分已練習過的段落,運用相同題型與格式跟實際試題再次演練,以評估是否已有充足準備。第12單元是雅思聽力測驗的模擬試題,請在相同的考試規則下進行,熟悉實際考試的臨場狀況。書中提供應試策略,敘述可能遇到的情況及如何創造佳績。考試資訊以清楚易讀的區塊呈現,應答指引(Exam tips)標明關鍵考試技巧,也便於快速瀏覽複習。內容以漸進式結構編排,初接觸雅思的考生可循序運用書中十二個單元;若對雅思測驗已有所了解,則可依據單元所列的學習目標,選擇最合適的練習,必能快速獲得理想分數。● 適用於總成績在5-5.5分間,但想達到6分以上的考生。● 章節結構、詳解和標準答案的編排方式方便考生自修,也可做為雅思課程的聽力測驗補充教材 Collins English for ExamsIf your listening skills are preventing you from getting the score you need in IELTS, Collins Listening for IELTS can help.Don’t let one skill hold you back.● Two audio CDs feature listening passages and practice exercises involving single speakers, pairs, a group discussion, and a mini-lecture, in the same way as in the IELTS Listening test● Exam tips and test practice in every unit plus a full practice test at the back of the book● Build your vocabulary with the topic-based vocabulary work at the start of every unit●Essential IELTS vocabulary presented using Collins COBUILD dictionary explanations● Written by experienced IELTS tutorsCEF Level B1 and aboveIdeal for Learners with band score 5-5.5 who are aiming for band score 6 or higher.Perfect for self-study or for use in the classroom.


作者介紹 Fiona Aish於各大學和語言學校教授考試用英文與學術英文,具有十幾年的雅思教學經驗。與Tomlinson共同經營英語訓練中心Target English,專精於培訓支援到英國留學的大學生。Jo Tomlinson任教於各公私立大學及線上課程,學術英語與雅思英語的教學經驗豐富。與Aish共同經營英語訓練中心Target English,專精於培訓支援到英國留學的大學生。


產品目錄 Introduction1 On the moveTopic: Holidays and travelExam focus: Completing forms; Matching; Answering multiple-choice questions2 Being youngTopic: YouthExam focus: Completing tables; Labelling maps or plans; Completing flow charts3 ClimateTopic: Nature and the environmentExam focus: Labelling a diagram; Completing notes; Classifying4 Family structuresTopic: Family mattersExam focus: Answering short questions; Completing sentences summaries; Selecting from a list5 Starting universityTopic: EducationExam focus: Labelling maps or plans; Completing forms; Completing notes6 FameTopic: Culture and modern societyExam focus: Matching sentence fragments; Answering multiple-choice questions; Choosing answers from a list7 Alternative energyTopic: Science and technologyExam focus: Completing flow charts; Answering short questions; Completing sentences summaries8 MigrationTopic: People and placesExam focus: Classifying; Labelling a diagram; Completing tables9 At the gymTopic: Health and fitnessExam focus: Completing forms; Answering short questions; Labelling a diagram10 At the officeTopic: Employment and financesExam focus: Completing tables; Classifying; Completing sentences summaries11 Local languagesTopic: Language and communicationExam focus: Answering multiple-choice questions; Labelling maps or plans; Selecting from a list12Practice testAudio scriptsAnswer key


書名 / Collins English for Exams: Listening for IELTS (+2CD)
作者 / Fiona Aish Jo Tomlinson
簡介 / Collins English for Exams: Listening for IELTS (+2CD):內容簡介本書有12個單元,前11個單元囊括雅思聽力測驗中經常出現的不同主題,建立單字庫,分析了解類型,並提供
出版社 / 書林出版有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789574457755
ISBN10 / 9574457753
EAN / 9789574457755
誠品26碼 / 2681586968007
頁數 / 152
開數 / 8K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28X21X1CM
級別 / N:無