內容簡介 讀偉人傳記學英文:認識歷史上的Amazing People。 Collins English Readers: Amazing People系列是一系列短篇傳記讀本,按行業領域劃分,介紹歷史上藝術、思想、政治、商業和科學等不同領域偉人的生平。 每本包含同領域五到六位傑出人士的傳記,獨立成篇,並附有主角的生平大事記。讀者可從頭依序讀起,也可以跳躍式挑幾篇細讀。在學習英語的同時品嘗一篇篇雋永的真實傳記,邀請您一同認識這些改變歷史的傳奇人物。 本系列按文章難度共分四級,適合初階至中等的英語學習者。每篇文章皆會標註超過該閱讀等級之生字,並在書末加以釋義。單字注釋使用Collins COBUILD Essential English Dictionary(一、二級)及Collins COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary(三、四級)。每本書附有CD配件,網路上也有資源可供參考,請至 www.collinselt.com readers 查詢。●附CD一片,偉人傳記讀給你聽●書末簡明單字表,生難字詞好整理●嚴謹區分四級難度,循序漸進磨練閱讀各級程度對照:LEVEL 1:CEF-A2 64 頁 文章字數5000-8000 生字量 700LEVEL 2:CEF-A2-B1 80頁 文章字數8000-11000 生字量900 LEVEL 3:CEF-B1 96頁 文章字數11000-15000 生字量1100LEVEL 4:CEF-B2 112頁 文章字數15000-19000 生字量 1700Collins English Readers Series:The inspiring stories of the people who changed history.The Amazing People readers are collection of short stories in which exceptional people from history tell their story.Each title includes:●A CD with a full reading of each person’s story●A COUBILD glossary of the more difficult words●A timeline to accompany each story●Free online resources for students and teachers分冊簡介:Amazing People-Amazing Women (Collins English Readers Level 1)Auther: Helen ParkerISBN-13: 9789574457816Word Count:7001Headword Count:665Price:NT$160In this book read about:Harriet Tubman, the slave who helped hundreds of other slaves to escape 美國解放黑奴女英雄─哈特莉‧塔布曼Emmeline Pankhurst who wanted women to be able to vote 英國婦女參政權運動領導者─艾米琳‧潘克斯特Maria Montessori, the doctor who found a new way to teach children 義大利蒙特梭利兒童教育法創始人─瑪麗亞‧蒙特梭利女士Eva Peron, the actress who helped poor and sick people in Argentina 慈善女演員阿根廷第一夫人─伊娃‧裴隆夫人Nancy Wake, the Second World War spy 二次世界大戰英國女間諜─南西‧韋克女士