Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics (12 Ed.) | 誠品線上

Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics (12 Ed.)

作者 Department of Linguistics at the Ohio University
出版社 書林出版有限公司
商品描述 Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics (12 Ed.):書籍簡介自1970年代出版以來,大受歡迎,是內容最完整的一本語言學教材,美國各大


內容簡介 自1970年代出版以來,大受歡迎,是內容最完整的一本語言學教材,美國各大學相關課程的指定教材或主要參考書籍。配合語言研究的發展,歷經多次增訂修纂,如今已出至第十二版。 本書內容面面俱到,不僅介紹語音學、音韻學、構詞學、句法學、語意學等基本領域,更進一步探討語用學、心理語言學、語言變異、語際接觸、語言演變等社會文化的問題,不但是語言學初學者必備的入門書,也是專業研究者經常翻閱的參考手冊。 本書為當前最受歡迎的「語言學入門」教材。由美國俄亥俄州立大學語言研究所師生所共同編寫語言學基本知識大全,旨在介紹有關語言學的各種基本觀念、知識和分析方法,不但行文清楚簡單,並佐以豐富的範例、圖表和練習,使讀者在實例中充分掌握語言學的理論與分析技巧。 第十二版已在許多地方修訂和更新。包括:●針對語音、音韻(phonology)、語用等科目,和心理語言學的章節更新。●心理語言學使用近期大腦與語言的研究,擴充有關語言障礙的篇幅。●新增練習題。附加網頁連結到和語言學相關的音檔及網上資源,相較上一版本內容更多。New in the 12th edition:The twelfth edition has been significantly revised, clarified, and updated throughout—with particular attention to the chapters on phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, and especially psycholinguistics. The restructured chapter on psycholinguistics makes use of recent research on language in the brain and includes expanded coverage of language processing disorders, introducing students to current models of speech perception and production andcutting-edge research techniques. In addition, exercises have been updated, and icons have been added to the text margins throughout the book, pointing instructors and students to useful and engaging audio files, videos, and other online resources on the accompanying Language Files website, which has also been significantly expanded.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Department of Linguistics at The Ohio University俄亥俄大學語言學系成立於1963年,有世界著名的計算、描述、理論和實驗語言學計畫。The Department of Linguistics at The Ohio UniversityFounded in 1963, is world renowned for its programs in computational, descriptive, theoretical, and experimental linguistics.Hope C. Dawson Michael Phelan


產品目錄 1. Introduction 導言2. Phonetics 語音學3. Phonology 音韻學4. Morphology 構詞學5. Syntax 句法學6. Semantics 語意學7. Pragmatics 語用學8. Language Acquisition 語言學習裝置9. Psycholinguistics 心理語言學10. Language Variation 語言變異11. Language and Culture 語言與文化12. Language Contact 語際接觸13. Language Change 語言演變14. Animal Communication 動物溝通15. Writing Systems 書寫系統16. Language and Computers 語言和電腦17. Practical Applications 實際應用


書名 / Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics (12 Ed.)
作者 / Department of Linguistics at the Ohio University
簡介 / Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics (12 Ed.):書籍簡介自1970年代出版以來,大受歡迎,是內容最完整的一本語言學教材,美國各大
出版社 / 書林出版有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789574457250
ISBN10 / 9574457257
EAN / 9789574457250
誠品26碼 / 2681432638009
頁數 / 768
開數 / 8K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 29.5X21X3.8CM
級別 / N:無
