內容簡介 不同於國內一般字彙學習書,測驗與GRE字彙考試模式相同本書最主要的特色是由美國英語學校權威人士所編寫的重要的單字解釋、同義字與類比字字彙介紹與測驗。其測驗與GRE字彙考試模式相同,是國內其他字彙學習書少有的。其他一些特色如下: 1.在了解重要單字的意義之後,安排試題練習,讓讀者進一步地練習將單字運用在文章中的測驗。 2.書中附有能力分級測驗,老師可選擇適合學生程度的字彙級數來靈活運用。 3.本書內容多樣化,合適在家自修學習,或作為中高級英語課程的教材,也可以作為參加檢定考試的準備材料。 4.本系列共有三本,除本書(高級)外,另有Building Vocabulary Skills(基礎級)、Improving Vocabulary Skills(進階級)皆已出版。5. 書後附錄列出每章節可討論的問題,充分運用該章所介紹的字彙。6. 解答可email向出版社免費索取電子檔 bkservice@bookman.com.tw ADVANCING VOCABULARY SKILLS, Third Edition, provides an answer to a problem that many students have: they simply don't know enough words. This book will help you truly master 300 important words and word parts. You will see and use these words in a number of diffenent -- and interesting-- contexts. By working actively with the materials in this book, you are sure to expand your word base.WHY study vocabulary ?* Vocabulary is a basic part of reading comprehension. If you don't know enough words, you will have trouble understanding what you read.* Vocabulary is a major part of almost every standardized test. The more words you know, the better you are likely to do on such important tests.* Studies show that students with strong vocabularies do better in school. And one study even found that the most common factor among peogle with rewarding careers was a good vocabulary.* A good vocabulary is vital in today's world. An increasing umber of jobs involve providing services or provessing information. More than ever, words are the tools of our trade. The more words you know, the more success you are likely to achieve.THE FACTS ARE IN. A solid vocabulary is a source of power. Words can make you a better reader, writer, speaker, thinker, and learner. They can dramatically increase your chances of success in school and at work. This book provides and attractive and effective program of regular word study that can help enrich your vocabulary-- and enrich your life as well.