Business Statistics and Analytics in Practice (9 Ed.) | 誠品線上

Business Statistics and Analytics in Practice (9 Ed.)

作者 Bruce L. Bowerman/Anne M. Drougas/William M. Duckworth/Amy G. Froelich/Ruth M. Hummel
出版社 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
商品描述 Business Statistics and Analytics in Practice (9 Ed.):1.Amodern,practicalanduniqueframeworkforteachinganintroductorycourseinBusinessStatistics.2. Employsreali


內容簡介 1. A modern, practical and unique framework for teaching an introductory course in Business Statistics. 2. Employs realistic examples, continuing case studies and a business improvement theme to teach the material. 3. Features more concise and lucid explanations, an improved topic flow and a sensible use of the best and most compelling examples.


作者介紹 現職:Miami University現職:Dominican University現職:Creighton University現職:Iowa State University現職:JMP現職:Bowling Green State University現職:Miami University


產品目錄 Ch 1 An Introduction to Business Statistics and Analytics Ch 2 Descriptive Statistics and Analytics: Tabular and Graphical Methods Ch 3 Descriptive Statistics and Analytics: Numerical Methods Ch 4 Probability and Probability Models Ch 5 Predictive Analytics I: Trees, k-Nearest Neighbors, Naive Bayes’, and Ensemble Estimates Ch 6 Discrete Random Variables Ch 7 Continuous Random Variables Ch 8 Sampling Distributions Ch 9 Confidence Intervals Ch10 Hypothesis Testing Ch11 Statistical Inferences Based on Two Samples Ch12 Experimental Design and Analysis of Variance Ch13 Chi-Square Tests Ch14 Simple Linear Regression Analysis Ch15 Multiple Regression and Model Building Ch16 Predictive Analytics II: Logis¬tic Regression, Discriminate Analysis, and Neural Networks Ch17 Time Series Forecasting and Index Numbers Ch18 Nonparametric Methods Ch19 Decision Theory Ch20 (Online) Process Improvement Using Control Charts for Website Appendix A Statistical Tables Appendix B (Online) Chapter by Chapter MegaStat


書名 / Business Statistics and Analytics in Practice (9 Ed.)
作者 / Bruce L. Bowerman Anne M. Drougas William M. Duckworth Amy G. Froelich Ruth M. Hummel
簡介 / Business Statistics and Analytics in Practice (9 Ed.):1.Amodern,practicalanduniqueframeworkforteachinganintroductorycourseinBusinessStatistics.2. Employsreali
出版社 / 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9781260287844
ISBN10 / 126028784X
EAN / 9781260287844
誠品26碼 / 2681780444000
頁數 / 906
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 27.6X21.6X2.8CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 統計學
