Investments (Annotated Edition 11 Ed.) | 誠品線上

Investments (Annotated Edition 11 Ed.)

作者 Zvi Bodie/ Alex Kane/ Alan J. Marcus/ 林哲鵬
出版社 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
商品描述 Investments (Annotated Edition 11 Ed.):Thistextwillintroduceyoutomajorissuescurrentlyofconcerntoallinvestors.Itcangiveyoutheskillstoassesswatershedcurrentissue


內容簡介 This text will introduce you to major issues currently of concern to all investors. It can give you the skills to assess watershed current issues and debates covered by both the popular media and more-specialized finance journals. Our guiding principle has been to present the material in a framework that is organized by a central core of consistent fundamental principles. We attempt to strip away unnecessary mathematical and technical detail, and we have concentrated on providing the intuition that may guide students and practitioners as they confront new ideas and challenges in their professional lives. Many features of this text make it consistent with and relevant to the CFA curriculum. Questions adapted from past CFA exams appear at the end of nearly every chapter, and references are listed at the end of the book. Chapter 3 includes excerpts from the “Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct” of the CFA Institute. Chapter 28, which discusses investors and the investment process, presents the CFA Institute’s framework for systematically relating investor objectives and constraints to ultimate investment policy. End-of-chapter problems also include questions from test-prep leader Kaplan Schweser


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Zvi Bodie現職:Boston UniversityAlex Kane現職:University of California, San DiegoAlan J. Marcus現職:Boston College■譯者簡介林哲鵬現職:彰化師範大學企業管理學系教授


產品目錄 PART I: INTRODUCTIONCh 1 The Investment EnvironmentCh 2 Asset Classes and Financial InstrumentCh 3 How Securities Are TradedCh 4 Mutual Funds and Other Investment CompaniesPART II: PORTFOLIO THEORY AND PRACTICECh 5 Risk, Return and the Historical RecordCh 6 Capital Allocation to Risky AssetsCh 7 Optimal Risky PortfoliosCh 8 Index ModelsPART III: EQUILIBRIUM IN CAPITAL MARKETSCh 9 The Capital Asset Pricing ModelCh10 Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and ReturnCh11 The Efficient Market HypothesisCh12 Behavioral Finance and Technical AnalysisCh13 Empirical Evidence on Security ReturnsPART IV: FIXED-INCOME SECURITIESCh14 Bond Prices and YieldsCh15 The Term Structure of Interest RatesCh16 Managing Bond PortfoliosPART V: SECURITY ANALYSISCh17 Macroeconomic and Industry AnalysisCh18 Equity Valuation ModelsCh19 Financial Statement AnalysisPART VI: OPTIONS, FUTURES, AND OTHER DERIVATIVESCh20 Options Markets: IntroductionCh21 Option ValuationCh22 Futures MarketsCh23 Futures, Swaps, and Risk ManagementPART VII: APPLIED PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENTCh24 Portfolio Performance EvaluationCh25 International DiversificationCh26 Hedge FundsCh27 The Theory of Active Portfolio ManagementCh28 Investment Policy and the Framework of the CFA Institute


書名 / Investments (Annotated Edition 11 Ed.)
作者 / Zvi Bodie Alex Kane Alan J. Marcus 林哲鵬
簡介 / Investments (Annotated Edition 11 Ed.):Thistextwillintroduceyoutomajorissuescurrentlyofconcerntoallinvestors.Itcangiveyoutheskillstoassesswatershedcurrentissue
出版社 / 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789863413776
ISBN10 / 9863413771
EAN / 9789863413776
誠品26碼 / 2681539929000
頁數 / 968
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.3X20.2X4CM
級別 / N:無
