The Seed and Sickle Oracle Deck | 誠品線上

The Seed and Sickle Oracle Deck

作者 Fez Inkwright
出版社 Turnaround Publisher Services LTD.
商品描述 The Seed and Sickle Oracle Deck:SeedandSickle是一套有兩種解讀方式的神諭卡,與其他神諭卡牌不同,提供使用者兩種觀看事情的角度。如同大自然間的萬物,有繁榮生長的時


內容簡介 Seed and Sickle是一套有兩種解讀方式的神諭卡,與其他神諭卡牌不同,提供使用者兩種觀看事情的角度。如同大自然間的萬物,有繁榮生長的時刻,也有休養生息的時刻。我們的生活也是,有時在工作方面需要努力衝刺與規劃,有時則必須暫停,緩一緩,休息片刻再出發。打開Seek and Sickle,手繪風格插畫的美麗自然生物卡牌囊括春夏秋冬四季,若是想問關於眼前的規劃、未來的展望與準備,可以參考Dawn Guide Book;若是想問關於內在、心靈療癒與健康,可參考Dusk Guide Book。使用者能融入自身經驗與感觸,並參考牌卡中的含意,找到每個人不同的答案。Liminal 11為英國專門出版塔羅牌 神諭卡和身心靈療癒相關產品的出版社,色調柔美細緻的插畫由英國插畫家Fez Inkwright繪製。(卡牌大小:12 * 7cm,外盒裝為磁吸扣設計,方便收納不易損壞)The cycle of sowing and harvest is one that we see reflected around us every day... There are times for productivity and there are times for rest. The Seed and Sickle Oracle deck is designed to encourage reflection on both of these. Each card carries two meanings; one for times when moving forward is important, and one to help cultivate your own wellbeing. Whether you are sowing seeds for your next big project or harvesting rewards for a period of rest, The Seed and Sickle will accompany you on this journey. A debut oracle deck by Fez Inkwright, creator of the illustrated folklore books Folk Magic and Healing and Botanical Curses and Poisons.


作者介紹 Fez InkwrightFez Inkwright is an illustrator, author, and folklorist. For the past decade she has produced work for children’s books, greetings cards, and tattoo design, and, when not working as Liminal 11’s Head Designer, she now spends her time working in conservation and wildlife rehabilitation. She lives in Bristol with two cats and several hundred bees.


書名 / The Seed and Sickle Oracle Deck
作者 / Fez Inkwright
簡介 / The Seed and Sickle Oracle Deck:SeedandSickle是一套有兩種解讀方式的神諭卡,與其他神諭卡牌不同,提供使用者兩種觀看事情的角度。如同大自然間的萬物,有繁榮生長的時
出版社 / Turnaround Publisher Services LTD.
ISBN13 / 9781912634347
ISBN10 / 1912634341
EAN / 9781912634347
誠品26碼 / 2682201813009
頁數 / 55
注音版 /
裝訂 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 13.8X8.8X5.8CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 一張神諭卡,兩種解讀角度,給想要衝刺或想要休息的你
