The Last Tiger: A Story of Hope | 誠品線上

最後一隻老虎: 一個關於希望的故事

作者 貝琪.戴維斯
商品描述 The Last Tiger: A Story of Hope:人人都該關注的新時代課題!氣候變遷、環境保育,與生存息息相關的那些事情!老虎Aasha美麗的家園正在一點一滴產生變化,因此他被迫向外


內容簡介 ✰人人都該關注的新時代課題!氣候變遷、環境保育,與生存息息相關的那些事情! 老虎Aasha美麗的家園正在一點一滴產生變化,因此他被迫向外出走、找尋另一個家。 Aasha很喜歡這片森林,裡面有很多隻老虎同伴、野豬、與其他各式各樣的動物們,但自從某一天起,森林開始不一樣了,炎熱的天氣變得更加難耐、潮濕的氣候變得更加潮濕,結果導致洪水氾濫、動物遷離原本居住的土地,而空曠的土壤沒有迎來寧靜,而是人類開始進駐、砍伐樹林,讓Aasha不得不離開這個被破壞的家。 在這個遭受氣候變遷影響的故事中,Aasha能不能如願找到新的家園,並且如何保護自己的環境呢? In this timely story of the effects of climate change, Aasha the tiger watches her beautiful home change right before her eyes-and is forced to find another place to call home.Aasha the tiger loves her beautiful forest home, full of tigers, boars, and other animals. But one day, the forest begins to change. The hot days became hotter. The wet days became wetter-so wet, in fact, that there are floods that force many of the animals to find other places to live. And then the humans enter the forest and begin taking down the trees, which forces Aasha out. Will she ever find a new place to call home? Includes back matter on climate change and conservation efforts."


作者介紹 Becky DaviesBecky Davies is the author of the award-winning Little Turtle and the Sea, among many other children’s books. When she’s not writing, Becky likes to spend time outdoors in her garden or going on adventures with her dog, Moon. She lives in the South West of England.Jennie PohJennie Poh was born in London and spent her formative years in Malaysia, returning to the UK at the age of nine. She fell in love with the Norfolk countryside, and feels a deep connection with nature and conservation which influences her work. Jennie now lives in Surrey with her two daughters and two marmalade cats.


書名 / The Last Tiger: A Story of Hope
作者 / 貝琪.戴維斯
簡介 / The Last Tiger: A Story of Hope:人人都該關注的新時代課題!氣候變遷、環境保育,與生存息息相關的那些事情!老虎Aasha美麗的家園正在一點一滴產生變化,因此他被迫向外
ISBN13 / 9781680102727
ISBN10 / 1680102729
EAN / 9781680102727
誠品26碼 / 2682116683001
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28.7X25.4X0.9CM
級別 / N:無
