Where the Money Is: Value Investing in the Digital Age | 誠品線上

科技股的價值投資法: 3面向、6指標, 全面評估企業獲利能力, 跟巴菲特一起買進科技股

作者 亞當.席塞爾
商品描述 Where the Money Is: Value Investing in the Digital Age:TheeconomytodayisundergoingthemosttechnologicallydrivenevolutionsinceHenryFordintroducedtheassemblyline.


內容簡介 The economy today is undergoing the most technologically driven evolution since Henry Ford introduced the assembly line. A little over ten years ago, only two of the ten most valuable publicly traded companies in the world were digital enterprises. In 2021, they comprise seven of the top ten. Investors around the world are struggling to understand what’s happening in the digital economy and wondering how to profit from it in the stock market. Even Warren Buffett, widely considered the most successful investor of all time, has stumbled in this new landscape; his portfolio has trailed the market averages over the last ten years. Author Adam Seessel understands, as several years ago he too watched his old-school portfolio, built upon generations of traditional value investing principles, continue to decline while the market advanced. Determined to reverse course, he set off in search of a new value investment paradigm-one that reflected how technological change is radically reshaping the economy. Now, in Where the Money Is, Seessel shares his discoveries and introduces his refreshed value-based framework that any investor-professional or amateur-can use to beat the modern market. Like all industries, the digital economy follows certain rules, and Seessel shows us how to use evolved tactics that incorporate these rules and profit accordingly. By approaching tech this way, the economy’s current upheaval and the rapid rise of tech stocks are not reasons to be frightened or disoriented-they’re reasons to be excited. The world is changing, and we can profit from it. All we need is our own experience and a revised understanding of what makes a business valuable. Infused with the same kind of optimism and common sense that inspired Benjamin Graham’s The Intelligent Investor and Peter Lynch’s One Up on Wall Street, Where the Money Is ushers in a new era of modern value investing.


作者介紹 Adam SeesselAdam Seessel graduated summa cum laude from Dartmouth College and began his professional career as a newspaper reporter in North Carolina. Seessel won the George Polk Award for environmental reporting in 1990 and in 1995, Seessel took his research skills to Wall Street. He worked for Sanford C. Bernstein, Baron Capital, and Davis Selected Advisers before starting his own firm, Gravity Capital Management, which manages money for high-net worth individuals and institutions.Since beginning a record of stock-market performance while at Davis Funds in mid-2000, Seessel has beaten the S&P 500 index after fees. In addition to running Gravity, Seessel is a regular contributor for both Barron’s and Fortune magazines. Married and with one grown son who works as a software engineer, Seessel and his wife, an artist, live in Manhattan.


書名 / Where the Money Is: Value Investing in the Digital Age
作者 / 亞當.席塞爾
簡介 / Where the Money Is: Value Investing in the Digital Age:TheeconomytodayisundergoingthemosttechnologicallydrivenevolutionsinceHenryFordintroducedtheassemblyline.
ISBN13 / 9781668004883
ISBN10 / 1668004887
EAN / 9781668004883
誠品26碼 / 2682145083001
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22X15X0.1CM
級別 / N:無
