Little Thief! Chota Chor! | 誠品線上

Little Thief! Chota Chor!

作者 Vijaya Bodach
出版社 Newmark Learning
商品描述 Little Thief! Chota Chor!:深夜裡,Anjali被一個奇怪的聲音吵醒,好像有人闖進家裡了!Anjali克服恐懼,起身一探究竟,但卻發現家裡好像有東西不見了!媽媽最寶貝的銀梳


內容簡介 深夜裡,Anjali被一個奇怪的聲音吵醒,好像有人闖進家裡了!Anjali克服恐懼,起身一探究竟,但卻發現家裡好像有東西不見了!媽媽最寶貝的銀梳還有一些東西不見了!誰會是小偷?Anjali立即叫醒媽媽,也請鄰居們一同加入Anjali抓小偷的行列,但真正的小偷可真是讓人意想不到!小偷到底是誰呢?意想不到的故事結尾可是要讀者自己翻書才會有樂趣唷!作者Vijaya Bodach原本是一名科學家,後來成為童書作者,以前是無神論者,現在是天主教徒,從一名作者,進而成為出版業者。Vijaya Bodach著作超過70本童書,從幼幼書《Ten Easter Eggs》到青少年小說《BOUND》等,在許多著名的兒童雜誌中,也都能看到Vijaya Bodach的文章與詩篇。It's the dark of night when a strange noise wakes Anjali. While her mama lies sleeping, she investigates. Someone has broken in and taken some of their most prized possessions. But who could it be? It's up to Anjali to track down the little thief."


作者介紹 Vijaya Bodach Vijaya Bodach is a scientist-turned-children's writer, an atheist-turned-Catholic, and most recently, a writer-turned-publisher (Bodach Books). She is the author of over 70 books for children, including TEN EASTER EGGS and MIDNIGHT AND BABY MAX for the youngest and BOUND for the oldest. She has just as many magazines articles, stories and poems published in leading children's magazines. To learn more, please visit: https:


書名 / Little Thief! Chota Chor!
作者 / Vijaya Bodach
簡介 / Little Thief! Chota Chor!:深夜裡,Anjali被一個奇怪的聲音吵醒,好像有人闖進家裡了!Anjali克服恐懼,起身一探究竟,但卻發現家裡好像有東西不見了!媽媽最寶貝的銀梳
出版社 / Newmark Learning
ISBN13 / 9781478869115
ISBN10 / 1478869119
EAN / 9781478869115
誠品26碼 / 2681951273002
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 34.3X25.9X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
