SAT文法攻略 | 誠品線上


作者 禤映峰
出版社 崧燁文化事業有限公司
商品描述 SAT文法攻略:文法一直都是考生們戰戰兢兢、不敢掉以輕心面對的大敵!就算是英文母語的考生,面對文法考試,照樣有許多容易不慎落入的陷阱!SAT沒有單獨的文法部分,文法的


內容簡介 文法一直都是考生們戰戰兢兢、不敢掉以輕心面對的大敵! 就算是英文母語的考生,面對文法考試,照樣有許多容易不慎落入的陷阱! SAT沒有單獨的文法部分,文法的考題歸為寫作部分。關於文法的題目包括三大題型共49題;這49道選擇題加上一篇作文構成了SAT考試的寫作部分。作文要想取得滿分比較困難,但是49道選擇題全對是完全可以做到的。 【辨別句子錯誤】 無需考生改正錯誤,只需選出錯誤之處;無錯誤的選(E),這種題目共18道。 【改寫錯誤】 考生需辨別句子中的文法錯誤並正確改寫;原句無錯誤的選(A),這種題目共25道。 【改寫文章中的句子】 考生除了要判斷原句是否有文法錯誤外,還需根據文章中的上下文檢查句子的邏輯關係。 【最常考的文法重點】 動詞。考生需要掌握動詞的形態、時態以及主動、被動和假設語氣的用法。動詞的形態主要考一般過去式與過去分詞的拼寫。 要想拿到SAT寫作部分750分以上,就必須攻克SAT常考的文法問題,爭取選擇題部分取得滿分。


作者介紹 禤映峰 編著禤映峰,從事英語教學多年,著有《SAT文法攻略》。


產品目錄 Part I Guide to the SATMultiple-choice Section Chapter I Introduction to SATGrammar I. Basic Informatio II. Tips for Answering Multiple-choice Questions III. Educated Guessing IV. Planning Your Time V. Practice Makes Perfect Chapter II Analysis of the Question Types I. Identifying Sentence Errors II. Improving Sentences III. Improving Paragraphs IV. Test Yourself V. Answers and Explanations Part II Grammar Concepts Tested on SAT Chapter III Verbs I. Basic Elements of a Verb II. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs III. Subjunctive Mood in the Noun Clause IV. Exercise Chapter IV Subject-Verb Agreement I. What are Subjects and Verbs II. What is Subject-verb Agreement III. Exercise Chapter V Pronoun I. The Usage of Pronoun II. Exercise Chapter VI Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers I. What is a Modifier II. What is a Participial Phrase III. Other Frequently Tested Modifiers IV. Exercise Chapter VII Comparison and Parallelism I. Comparison II. Parallelism III. Exercise Chapter VIII Subordination and Coordination I. Subordination II. Coordination III. Comma and Semicolon Chapter IX Incomplete Sentence and Run-on Sentence I. Incomplete Sentence II. Run-on Sentence III. Exercise Chapter X Other Minor Error Types I. Preposition II. Adjectives and Adverbs III. Diction V. Exercise Chapter XI Improving Paragraphs I. Questions Types II. How to Revise the Sentence in a Context III. Exercise IV. Answers and Explanations Chapter XII Practice Test on Grammar I. Exercise II. Answers and Explanations


書名 / SAT文法攻略
作者 / 禤映峰
簡介 / SAT文法攻略:文法一直都是考生們戰戰兢兢、不敢掉以輕心面對的大敵!就算是英文母語的考生,面對文法考試,照樣有許多容易不慎落入的陷阱!SAT沒有單獨的文法部分,文法的
出版社 / 崧燁文化事業有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789577359896
ISBN10 / 9577359892
EAN / 9789577359896
誠品26碼 / 2681913234003
頁數 / 187
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 17X23CM
級別 / N:無


內文 : The majority of educated people speak and write what is called Standard English. It includes the most widely accepted uses of grammar, mechanics, and spelling. StandardEnglish can be informal or formal. Informal English is everyday English, the English used in advertising, on television, in conversation, or in personal letters. While informal English may contain contractions and casual phrases, it usually does not contain slang or improper grammar. Formal English is just that-formal and standard. It is the English that people use to express themselves in serious writing and speaking. Using formal English well means being precise and effective in your expression. This is the kind of English that you must demonstrate on the SATWriting test.

Grammar tested on the SATis included in the Writing test. The Writing test includes multiple-choice questions that assess your knowledge of Standard Written English. Much of the multiple-choice portion of the writing test deals with problem sentences, and some of the questions in the Improving Paragraphs section also ask about sentences.

This book won’t be a straight grammar lesson. But it provides basic information for the multiple-choice section on the Writing test, as well as suggestions for developing a strategy for attacking the questions. The grammar, usage, mechanics, and word choice decisions that you need to make to answer the multiple-choice questions correctly can sensitize you to look for and correct similar problems in your own writing.

I. Basic Informatio

1. The multiple-choice section contains three types of questions.

● Identifying Sentence Errors (18questions)You must recognize errors in grammar and Standard Written English usage.

● Improving Sentences (25questions)

You must choose the most effective and correct version of a sentence. This sectiontests your knowledge of grammar and Standard Written English usage as well assentence structure.

● Improving Paragraphs (6questions)

You must improve the logic, coherence, or organization of a paragraph, again using themost effective and correct choice given.

2. There will be two multiple-choice sections, one 25minutes long and one 10minuteslong.

3. You don’t have to use or define grammatical terms on the SAT, so don’t worry if yourgrasp of grammar terminology is shaky. You won’t be tested directly on spelling orcapitalization, either. Punctuation is tested only in connection with sentencestructure.

4. What does the multiple-choice section test you?

Most students’ biggest mistake on the grammar questions is basing their answers onwhat sounds right. This approach, unfortunately, is just about the worst way to go aboutanswering the questions. Most people do not speak in a grammatically correct way.

Consider the following conversation.

Tony (answering the phone): Hello? Who’s there?

Mary: It’s me.

Tony: Oh, hey, where you at?

Mary: Me and my friends are headed to the movie theater. You coming?

Tony: Cool. I’ll be there.

Now note the same conversation, edited for grammatical correctness.

Tony: Hello? Who’s there?

Mary: It is I.

Tony: Oh, hey. At what location are you?

Mary: My friend and I are going to the movie theater. Would you like to join us?

Tony: Indeed. I shall be there.

Chances are you don’t talk like this, so it sounds strange to your ear. But that doesn’tmean it’s wrong. You think that awkward or weird-sounding sentences or phrases must be wrong. ETS uses this tendency to set traps. Look at the following sentence.

The incompleteness in the witness’s testimony notwithstanding, the judge had noA B choice but to announce that the suspect was not guilty of the charges leveled against C D him. No error. E You read this sentence and something just sounds wrong to you. You can’t exactly put your finger on it, but you know you are supposed to find an error. So you decide that something must be wrong with choice B because you would never use a word such as “notwithstanding”. Once again, you have fallen into ETS’s devious trap. ETS hopes that you select answers based on how you would speak. In this case, the sentence is actually fine as written.


最佳賣點 : 文法一直都是考生們戰戰兢兢、不敢掉以輕心面對的大敵!