Babel | 誠品線上


作者 R. F. Kuang
商品描述 Babel:匡靈秀《巴別塔學院》帝國獨霸世界,但支持它發展的魔力是從各地蒐羅的「語言」,以巴別塔為名的翻譯學院,就是帝國的魔法核心。代表各自的母語和母國而來的學生們


內容簡介 美國奇幻文學界華裔新星 X 重量級獎項榮耀肯定星雲獎最佳長篇小說軌跡獎最佳奇幻小說英國圖書獎最佳小說語言即魔法的奇幻設定 X 異國勢力交會的真實歷史反思「中/外」、「東/西」的百年文化衝突美國邦諾書店最佳幻想小說獎得獎作英國水石書店年度好書決選入圍Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳奇幻小說決選入圍上市首月內累印六刷,空降《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜冠軍、英國《週日泰晤士報》暢榜亞軍《紐約時報》、《衛報》、《華盛頓郵報》精選年度最佳科/奇幻小說《時代雜誌》年度百大必讀好書帝國獨霸世界,但支持它發展的魔力是從各地蒐羅的「語言」,以巴別塔為名的翻譯學院,就是帝國的魔法核心。代表各自的母語和母國而來的學生們,有人心悅誠服將自己的語言獻給帝國,也有人暗中等待高塔倒下的那一天……十九世紀的廣東沿海通商口岸,全家人死於瘟疫的十一歲孤兒羅賓奄奄一息,被一位自稱勒維教授的英國男子所救,登上了航向倫敦的客船。勒維教授服務於牛津大學內專研翻譯的「巴別塔學院」,但此地進行的研究和教學不僅是關於不同語言間的轉換──擁有多語能力又受過特殊培訓的「譯者」,將兩種語言的兩個相對應詞彙銘刻於銀條之上時,能同時鎖入翻譯過程中漏失的細微誤差概念,並藉由銀條施展這組詞彙概念代表的魔法。英國藉此壯大科技與軍事實力,向外征服更多語言不同的殖民地之後,又吸收了更多「譯者」來到學院、創造出更多不同的魔法來應用,由此生生不息。被帶往英國的羅賓成為巴別塔學院的譯者學生,他醉心於翻譯魔法的奧妙,卻也困擾於英國本地同學對他的輕蔑與敵意。意外捲入一樁銀條竊案之後,他發現學院歷年來不斷有學生神祕失蹤或突然身故,他們曾加入的地下組織「赫密士會」,如今也透過一名與他容貌酷似的陌生青年對他遞出邀請。「赫密士會」意欲打破英國政府對翻譯魔法的壟斷,將之普及於所有階級、所有國家,但他們的理想會讓學院付出什麼樣的代價?不斷往返於東西方之間運籌帷幄的勒維教授,又將如何再次介入羅賓的命運?隨著中英兩國的衝突在羅賓的故鄉釀成戰火,一場撼動巴別塔的叛亂也一觸即發。羅賓與巴別塔學院的譯者師生會在戰爭中繼續扮演帝國的精銳武器,或是改寫歷史的軌跡……?本書介出自臉譜出版《巴別塔學院》From award-winning author R. F. Kuang comes Babel, a thematic response to The Secret History and a tonal retort to Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell that grapples with student revolutions, colonial resistance, and the use of language and translation as the dominating tool of the British empire. Traduttore, traditore: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal. 1828. Robin Swift, orphaned by cholera in Canton, is brought to London by the mysterious Professor Lovell. There, he trains for years in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Chinese, all in preparation for the day he’ll enroll in Oxford University’s prestigious Royal Institute of Translation—also known as Babel. Babel is the world’s center for translation and, more importantly, magic. Silver working—the art of manifesting the meaning lost in translation using enchanted silver bars—has made the British unparalleled in power, as its knowledge serves the Empire’s quest for colonization. For Robin, Oxford is a utopia dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. But knowledge obeys power, and as a Chinese boy raised in Britain, Robin realizes serving Babel means betraying his motherland. As his studies progress, Robin finds himself caught between Babel and the shadowy Hermes Society, an organization dedicated to stopping imperial expansion. When Britain pursues an unjust war with China over silver and opium, Robin must decide… Can powerful institutions be changed from within, or does revolution always require violence?


作者介紹 R. F. KuangRebecca F. Kuang is a Marshall Scholar, Chinese-English translator, and the Astounding Award-winning and the Hugo, Nebula, Locus, and World Fantasy Award nominated author of the Poppy War trilogy and the forthcoming Babel. Her work has won the Crawford Award and the Compton Crook Award for Best First Novel. She has an MPhil in Chinese Studies from Cambridge and an MSc in Contemporary Chinese Studies from Oxford; she is now pursuing a PhD in East Asian Languages and Literatures at Yale.


書名 / Babel
作者 / R. F. Kuang
簡介 / Babel:匡靈秀《巴別塔學院》帝國獨霸世界,但支持它發展的魔力是從各地蒐羅的「語言」,以巴別塔為名的翻譯學院,就是帝國的魔法核心。代表各自的母語和母國而來的學生們
ISBN13 / 9780063021426
ISBN10 / 0063021420
EAN / 9780063021426
誠品26碼 / 2682180400009
頁數 / 560
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X4.2CM
級別 / N:無