Monet: the Pop-up Book | 誠品線上

Monet: the Pop-up Book

作者 David A. Carter
商品描述 Monet: the Pop-up Book:FiveofMonet’smostbelovedworksspringtolifeinthisvividandbrilliantlyengineeredcollectionofpop-upscenes.OneofthejoysofaMonetpaintingisthes


內容簡介 印象派的藝術大師在這本生動且精巧設計的立體書中,莫內(Monet)五幅最受喜愛的作品以立體場景的形式重現。欣賞莫內畫作的一大樂趣在於完全沉浸於美麗的景色中。現在,這位偉大藝術家的粉絲們可以通過一種全新的方式深入了解他五幅最經典的畫作:《聖阿德雷花園》、《罌粟花田》、《睡蓮與日本橋》、《阿讓特伊的藝術家之家》和《阿讓特伊的橋》。每頁展開時顯示的是平面的佈局,附有畫作及其歷史背景的簡要描述。當讀者拉下解說面板時,立體效果會立刻展現出來,莫內精緻的花朵、睡蓮、雲朵、樹木和人物便栩栩如生。無論是欣賞莫內高超的色彩運用、筆觸,以及光影變化,還是僅僅享受法國鄉村的愉悅,這本精心製作和設計的書籍都提供了一種令人興奮的新方式來體驗這位印象派大師的藝術天才。Five of Monet’s most beloved works spring to life in this vivid and brilliantly engineered collection of pop-up scenes.One of the joys of a Monet painting is the sense of being fully immersed in a beautiful setting. Now fans of the great artist have an intriguing new way to dive into five of his most enduring paintings: Garden at Sainte-Adresse, Poppy Field, Waterlilies and Japanese Bridge, The Artist’s House at Argenteuil, and The Bridge at Argenteuil. Each spread opens as a flat layout with a brief description of the painting and its historical context. As readers pull down the explanatory panel, a three-dimensional rendering pops up, and Monet’s exquisitely detailed flowers, waterlilies, clouds, trees, and people come alive. Whether readers are appreciating Monet’s masterful use of color, brushstrokes, and light and shadow, or merely savoring the pleasures of the French countryside, this meticulously crafted and engineered book offers a thrilling new way to experience the artistic genius of this Impressionist icon.


作者介紹 David A. Carter DAVID A. CARTER is an American author and illustrator. He is best known for his pop-up books for both children and adults. His 'Bugs' series has sold over six million copies in the U.S. '600 Black Spots' (2007) and 'White Noise' (2008) were both chosen for the New York Times 10 Best Illustrated Children's Book Award.


書名 / Monet: the Pop-up Book
作者 / David A. Carter
簡介 / Monet: the Pop-up Book:FiveofMonet’smostbelovedworksspringtolifeinthisvividandbrilliantlyengineeredcollectionofpop-upscenes.OneofthejoysofaMonetpaintingisthes
ISBN13 / 9783791377476
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9783791377476
誠品26碼 / 2682600148009
頁數 / 12
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X27X5
級別 / N:無
材質 /
提供維修 /
警告內容 / 不適合3歲以下孩童單獨使用
適用年齡 / 8歲以上


最佳賣點 : Five of Monet’s most beloved works spring to life in this vivid and brilliantly engineered collection of pop-up scenes.
