I'm Sorry You Got Mad | 誠品線上

I'm Sorry You Got Mad

作者 Kyle Lukoff
商品描述 I'm Sorry You Got Mad:NewberyHonorwinnerKyleLukoffexplorestheimportanceoflearningtoapologize.JackwantstoapologizeforhurtingZoe'sfeelings.Hejustcan'tseemtofindt


內容簡介 很抱歉,讓你生氣了*《Too Bright to See》 紐伯瑞銀獎書籍作家Kyle Lukoff 探討學習道歉的重要*巧妙地為孩子們(以及我們成年人)面對現實,樹立良好的行為榜樣無需說教。 —— 《學校圖書館雜誌》繪畫課上,老師要學生畫下今天的情緒。小男孩Jack今天的心情是怒氣沖沖的紅色——昨天Zoe、Nia、Maddie一起蓋城堡在裡面玩,Jack因無法加入感到憤怒,所以踢了他們的城堡,惹得Zoe很生氣。Jack寫了道歉給Zoe,上面寫著:「Zoe,我很抱歉」但老師說這樣不夠,於是Jack寫了又寫,思緒混亂的他不知如何表達,於是老師點出好的道歉信需要寫出以下幾點:1.做了什麼,2.誠心道歉,3.後續處理方式。於是Jack 靜下心寫:「親愛的Zoe,很抱歉我踢倒你的城堡,如果需要我可以再幫你蓋一個。」透過生動的插圖和故事敘述《I'm Sorry You Got Mad》是一段和書本主角Jack一同經歷憤怒情緒、試著站在對方角度思考、同理並學習道歉的旅程,比直接說教的言語更深入。Newbery Honor winner Kyle Lukoff explores the importance of learning to apologize.Jack wants to apologize for hurting Zoe's feelings. He just can't seem to find the right words.Turns out there's more to an apology than just saying "I'm sorry."Elevated by equally charming illustrations and text, I'm Sorry You Got Mad is a journey in learning the importance of an apology that goes deeper than just words.


各界推薦 ★ “In this witty epistolary classroom drama… Lukoff writes a sparkling examination of messy feelings and meaningful apologies.” –PW, starred review★ “A master class in apologies and in storytelling through words and art.” –Kirkus, starred review


作者介紹 Kyle Lukoff Kyle Lukoff is the author of many books for young readers. His debut middle-grade novel, Too Bright To See, received a Newbery honor, the Stonewall award, and was a National Book Award finalist. His picture book When Aidan Became a Brother also won the Stonewall. He has forthcoming books about mermaids, babies, apologies, and lots of other topics. While becoming a writer he worked as a bookseller for ten years, and then nine more years as a school librarian.Julie Kwon​Julie Kwon is an artist and illustrator based in Queens. A graduate of the Brown RISD Dual-Degree program, her work is heavily inspired by the steady diet of manga, comics, and young adult novels she consumed growing up, as well as her many fond childhood memories. In her spare time, Julie enjoys reading, petting dogs, knitting and going on long walks with friends.


書名 / I'm Sorry You Got Mad
作者 / Kyle Lukoff
簡介 / I'm Sorry You Got Mad:NewberyHonorwinnerKyleLukoffexplorestheimportanceoflearningtoapologize.JackwantstoapologizeforhurtingZoe'sfeelings.Hejustcan'tseemtofindt
ISBN13 / 9780593462911
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780593462911
誠品26碼 / 2682614241000
頁數 / 32
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.7X28.7X0.8
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : Newbery Honor winner Kyle Lukoff explores the importance of learning to apologize.