Age of Revolutions
作者 | Fareed Zakaria |
出版社 | W. W. NORTON & COMPANY, INC. |
商品描述 | Age of Revolutions:《革命的年代:從十七世紀至今的全球化、科技化、地緣政治的衝擊》原文版★美國亞馬遜分類榜銷售冠軍★全球百大公共知識份子札卡瑞亞醞釀10年最新力作 |
作者 | Fareed Zakaria |
出版社 | W. W. NORTON & COMPANY, INC. |
商品描述 | Age of Revolutions:《革命的年代:從十七世紀至今的全球化、科技化、地緣政治的衝擊》原文版★美國亞馬遜分類榜銷售冠軍★全球百大公共知識份子札卡瑞亞醞釀10年最新力作 |
內容簡介 ★美國亞馬遜分類榜銷售冠軍★全球百大公共知識份子 札卡瑞亞 醞釀10年最新力作橫跨400年時空,還原9個非凡的革命現場寬闊視角與豐富細節洞察當今世界動態力量剖析歷史長河裡的今昔革命直指分裂時代的核心問題面臨全球化、資訊科技、身分認同與地緣政治此刻,正是現代史上最具革命性的時期民粹主義的憤怒、意識型態的分裂、經濟和科技的衝擊、戰爭,以及充滿災難性風險的國際體系――二十一世紀最初的幾十年可能是現代史上最具革命性的時期。這些革命為何發生?它們如何幫助我們理解當前這個充滿危機的世界?札卡瑞亞在這部重要著作中,探討十七世紀至今,對人類發展有重要影響的革命。這些革命定義了我們當前所處的這個兩極對立與動盪不安的時代。此刻我們正面對一個多極發展的世界,單一強權已無法主宰全球,我們在動盪不安中很容易對未來感到擔憂。但札卡瑞亞強調,高談悲觀還為時過早。如果我們採取明智的行動,自由主義國際秩序就能復興,民粹主義就會被丟進歷史的垃圾堆裡。很少有公共知識份子能夠做到這一點,札卡瑞亞將知識的廣度、深刻的歷史洞察力和超乎尋常的先見之明結合在一起,再次重塑並闡明我們動盪的現狀。他大膽而令人信服的論點,使這本書成為我們身處革命時代的必讀之作。本書介出自遠見天下文化出版《革命的年代: 從十七世紀至今的全球化、科技化、地緣政治的衝擊》The CNN host and best-selling author explores the revolutions―past and present―that define the polarized and unstable age in which we live.Populist rage, ideological fracture, economic and technological shocks, war, and an international system studded with catastrophic risk―the early decades of the twenty-first century may be the most revolutionary period in modern history. But it is not the first. Humans have lived, and thrived, through more than one great realignment. What are these revolutions, and how can they help us to understand our fraught world?In this major work, Fareed Zakaria masterfully investigates the eras and movements that have shaken norms while shaping the modern world. Three such periods hold profound lessons for today. First, in the seventeenth-century Netherlands, a fascinating series of transformations made that tiny land the richest in the world―and created politics as we know it today. Next, the French Revolution, an explosive era that devoured its ideological children and left a bloody legacy that haunts us today. Finally, the mother of all revolutions, the Industrial Revolution, which catapulted Great Britain and the US to global dominance and created the modern world.Alongside these paradigm-shifting historical events, Zakaria probes four present-day revolutions: globalization, technology, identity, and geopolitics. For all their benefits, the globalization and technology revolutions have produced profound disruptions and pervasive anxiety and our identity. And increasingly, identity is the battlefield on which the twenty-first century’s polarized politics are fought. All this is set against a geopolitical revolution as great as the one that catapulted the United States to world power in the late nineteenth century. Now we are entering a world in which the US is no longer the dominant power. As we find ourselves at the nexus of four seismic revolutions, we can easily imagine a dark future. But Zakaria proves that pessimism is premature. If we act wisely, the liberal international order can be revived and populism relegated to the ash heap of history.As few public intellectuals can, Zakaria combines intellectual range, deep historical insight, and uncanny prescience to once again reframe and illuminate our turbulent present. His bold, compelling arguments make this book essential reading in our age of revolutions.
作者介紹 Fareed ZakariaFareed Zakaria has been called "the most influential foreign policy adviser of his generation" (Esquire). He is the Emmy-nominated host of CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS, contributing editor for The Atlantic, a columnist for the Washington Post, and the best-selling author of The Post-American World and The Future of Freedom. He lives in New York City.
書名 / | Age of Revolutions |
作者 / | Fareed Zakaria |
簡介 / | Age of Revolutions:《革命的年代:從十七世紀至今的全球化、科技化、地緣政治的衝擊》原文版★美國亞馬遜分類榜銷售冠軍★全球百大公共知識份子札卡瑞亞醞釀10年最新力作 |
出版社 / | W. W. NORTON & COMPANY, INC. |
ISBN13 / | 9780393239232 |
ISBN10 / | |
EAN / | 9780393239232 |
誠品26碼 / | 2682546286001 |
頁數 / | 400 |
裝訂 / | H:精裝 |
語言 / | 3:英文 |
尺寸 / | 6.3 x 1.4 x 9.3 inches |
級別 / | N:無 |
提供維修 / | 無 |
最佳賣點 : The CNN host and best-selling author explores the revolutions