Shark Heart | 誠品線上

Shark Heart

作者 Emily Habeck
商品描述 Shark Heart:直面生命和愛情坎坷,溫柔放手然後闊步前進。美國新人作家哈貝克首部小說令人聯想卡夫卡的《變形記》,顛覆想像的情節與詩意的愛情大獲文壇與讀者好評。金融


內容簡介 直面生命和愛情坎坷,溫柔放手然後闊步前進美國新人作家哈貝克首部小說令人聯想卡夫卡的《變形記》,顛覆想像的情節與詩意的愛情大獲文壇與讀者好評。金融工作者芮恩與高中戲劇老師路易甫新婚,路易便被診斷罹患罕見病,雖可勉強保有記憶與智力,身體卻將逐漸變成大白鯊。小說跳躍敘述夫妻相戀、照護患病丈夫、與芮恩對童年及父母的回憶,婚姻、母性、長照與告別等人生課題交織其中,發人深省。For Lewis and Wren, their first year of marriage is also their last. A few weeks after their wedding, Lewis receives a rare diagnosis. He will retain most of his consciousness, memories, and intellect, but his physical body will gradually turn into a great white shark. As Lewis develops the features and impulses of one of the most predatory creatures in the ocean, his complicated artist’s heart struggles to make peace with his unfulfilled dreams.At first, Wren internally resists her husband’s fate. Is there a way for them to be together after Lewis changes? Then, a glimpse of Lewis’s developing carnivorous nature activates long-repressed memories for Wren, whose story vacillates between her childhood living on a houseboat in Oklahoma, her time with her college ex-girlfriend, and her unusual friendship with a woman pregnant with twin birds. Woven throughout this “heart-wringing” (Adam Roberts, internationally bestselling author of Salt) novel is the story of Wren’s mother, Angela, who becomes pregnant with Wren at fifteen in an abusive relationship amidst her parents’ crumbling marriage. In the present, all of Wren’s grief eventually collides, and she is forced to make an impossible choice.A sweeping love story that is at once lyrical and funny, airy and visceral, Shark Heart is an unforgettable, gorgeous novel about life’s perennial questions, the fragility of memories, finding joy amidst grief, and creating a meaningful life. This daring debut marks the arrival of a wildly talented new writer abounding with originality, humor, and heart.


各界推薦 “Beguiling… Habeck’s setup allows her to grapple with big questions… [and] imbues the smallest interactions and moments with poetic weight… Surprising and pleasurably uncategorizable. Shark Heart is wild, in every sense of the word.”—New York Times Book Review“It’s quite a feat to weave such a wild speculative element into a story that feels fundamentally relatable, resonant, human. Yes, Shark Heart is the kind of delightfully original story I adore, and the sort of book I’ll be pressing into the hands of friends with a vigorous nod. Yes, it actually works.” —Shelby Van Pelt, New York Times bestselling author of Remarkably Bright Creatures"Shark Heart is a fantastical, original, and beautifully-written novel of abandonment, love, and Ovidian transformation. It explores illness, caretaking, devotion, magical thinking, and loss—and of course great white sharks—in ways that are funny, sad, and surprising. Every page bursts with heart.—Anthony Doerr, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of All the Light We Cannot See and Cloud Cuckoo Land"Without a doubt, “Shark Heart” by Emily Habeck is one of the most unique and beautifully written books I've read. It’s quite an emotional ride and, truly, would never have thought an unorthodox novel about a human man transforming into a shark would be moving but the words and overall storyline infused with love, grief and loss will hit you deeply." —New York Post“A bit Shakespeare, a bit Kafka, and a bit Disney… [this] debut stands out from the pack.”—Kirkus Reviews"A highly original, heart-rending story about abiding love that transcends trauma, grief—and even metamorphosis."—Washington Post, "10 Noteworthy Books for July and August"


作者介紹 Emily HabeckEmily Habeck is an alumna of SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts, where she received a BFA in theatre, as well as Vanderbilt Divinity School and Vanderbilt’s Peabody College. She is from Ardmore, Oklahoma. Shark Heart is her first novel.


書名 / Shark Heart
作者 / Emily Habeck
簡介 / Shark Heart:直面生命和愛情坎坷,溫柔放手然後闊步前進。美國新人作家哈貝克首部小說令人聯想卡夫卡的《變形記》,顛覆想像的情節與詩意的愛情大獲文壇與讀者好評。金融
ISBN13 / 9781668006504
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781668006504
誠品26碼 / 2682561641007
頁數 / 432
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.3*14*2.8
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 充滿驚喜、瘋狂卻無比動人,紐約時報、華盛頓郵報書評盛讚的出道之作!
