Bicycles: Pop-Up-Book | 誠品線上

Bicycles: Pop-Up-Book

作者 Dominique Ehrhard
商品描述 Bicycles: Pop-Up-Book:Thenewestpop-upbookfromrenownedpaperengineerDominiqueEhrhardartfullytracestwocenturiesofbicyclinghistoryandlore.Perfectforseasonedbikeaho


內容簡介 自行車的歷史與傳說著名紙藝工程師多米尼克·厄爾哈德(Dominique Ehrhard)最新推出的立體書巧妙地描繪了兩個世紀的自行車歷史與傳說。無論是經驗豐富的自行車迷還是新手車友,都適合入手這本充滿趣味的自行車簡史。書中包含八個精心製作的立體場景,展現了自行車的演變歷程。從1817年卡爾·德賴斯(Karl Drais)發明的僅有兩個輪子的原始自行車,到19世紀末技術進步如何促使女性自行車騎行興起;從加州和科羅拉多的克倫克斯(Klunkerz)山地自行車到環法自行車賽的場景,多米尼克·厄爾哈德展示了各種自行車趨勢,從短暫流行到經得起時間考驗的經典。隨著自行車作為一種環保替代汽車的選擇越來越受歡迎,這本珍貴的立體書是各年齡層自行車愛好者的完美紀念品。The newest pop-up book from renowned paper engineer Dominique Ehrhard artfully traces two centuries of bicycling history and lore.Perfect for seasoned bikeaholics and budding pedal-pushers alike, this brief, whimsical history of the bicycle features eight meticulously crafted pop-up scenes. There's Karl Drais' 1817 invention that featured two wheels and little else to propel it; how technical advances at the end of the 19th century saw an upsurge in the popularity of bicycling among women; we see the first mountain bikes from the Klunkerz of California and Coloarado; and a scene from the Tour de France.From high-wheelers to hipsters on wheels, Dominique Ehrhard offers glimpses of biking trends that flickered briefly and flamed out and others that have stood the test of time. As biking grows in popularity as a climate-friendly alternative to the automobile, this gem of a book is a perfect keepsake for bike-lovers of all ages.The perfect keepsake for bike-lovers of all agesDominique Ehrhard artfully traces two centuries of bicycling history and lore


作者介紹 Dominique EhrhardDOMINIQUE EHRHARD, a paper engineer and illustrator, is the author of Paris Pop Up and 10 Chairs, among other titles. He creates pop-up books with stories for younger readers as well as pop-up cards for the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.


書名 / Bicycles: Pop-Up-Book
作者 / Dominique Ehrhard
簡介 / Bicycles: Pop-Up-Book:Thenewestpop-upbookfromrenownedpaperengineerDominiqueEhrhardartfullytracestwocenturiesofbicyclinghistoryandlore.Perfectforseasonedbikeaho
ISBN13 / 9783791375618
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9783791375618
誠品26碼 / 2682532469005
頁數 / 18
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 0.0X0.0X0.0CM
級別 / N:無
材質 /


最佳賣點 : The newest pop-up book from renowned paper engineer Dominique Ehrhard artfully traces two centuries of bicycling history and lore.
