The Long Game | 誠品線上

The Long Game

作者 Elena Armas
商品描述 The Long Game:,阿黛琳每天都貫徹她數年以來的上班流程:起床,開車去邁阿密火焰足球隊打卡,試圖看起來很忙,然後打卡下班。沒錯,她是一個擺爛的球隊經理。直到一天,


內容簡介 阿黛琳每天都貫徹她數年以來的上班流程:起床,開車去邁阿密火焰足球隊打卡,試圖看起來很忙,然後打卡下班。 沒錯,她是一個擺爛的球隊經理。 直到一天,她和足球隊吉祥物吵架的影片外流,在網路上引起球迷粉絲的極大不滿,阿黛琳的父親─也是球團負責人─決定與其叫自己的女兒滾蛋,不如乾脆叫她做點真正有用的事。 她被指派一項贖罪任務:搶救實力低迷疲弱不振的足球隊「綠戰士」。她被父親送到北卡羅萊那,一個荒涼到極點的訓練中心,那裏的球員居然穿著芭蕾舞裙練習,還養了寵物羊,重點是─他們是一群九歲小孩! 當大家都快被這位新來又兇巴巴的經理嚇壞的時候,前足球教練卡麥隆‧卡爾戴尼正是幫助阿黛琳的完美人選,他曾是紀錄保持人,卻不知道什麼原因要留在這座無聊的小鎮。但卡麥隆因為一次意外也恨不得趕快把阿黛琳趕走,但阿黛琳之道自己無路可退了,她無論如何─在怎麼辛苦難堪─都要拯救這隻看起來莫名其妙的兒童足球隊! A disgraced soccer exec reluctantly enlists the help of a retired soccer star in coaching a children’s team in this smalltown love story in the vein of Ted Lasso and It Happened One Summer —from the New York Times bestselling author of The Spanish Love Deception. Adalyn Reyes has spent years perfecting her daily routine: wake up at dawn, drive to the Miami Flames FC offices, try her hardest to leave a mark, go home, and repeat. But her routine is disrupted when a video of her in an altercation with the team’s mascot goes viral. Rather than fire her, the team’s owner—who happens to be her father—sends Adalyn to middle-of-nowhere North Carolina, where she’s tasked with turning around the struggling local soccer team, the Green Warriors, as a way to redeem herself. Her plans crumble upon discovering that the players wear tutus to practice (impractical), keep pet goats (messy), and are terrified of Adalyn (counterproductive), and are nine-year-old kids. To make things worse, also in town is Cameron Caldani, goalkeeping prodigy whose presence is somewhat of a mystery. Cam is the perfect candidate to help Adalyn, but after one very unfortunate first encounter involving a rooster, Cam’s leg, and Adalyn’s bumper, he’s also set on running her out of town. But banishment is not an option for Adalyn. Not again. Helping this ragtag children’s team is her road to redemption, and she is playing the long game. With or without Cam’s help.


作者介紹 Elena ArmasElena Armas is a Spanish writer, a self-confessed hopeless romantic, and proud book hoarder. She is also the New York Times bestselling author of The Spanish Love Deception and The American Roommate Experiment. After years of devouring HEAs and talking—okay fine, yelling—nonstop about them, she has finally taken the leap and decided to create some of her own.


書名 / The Long Game
作者 / Elena Armas
簡介 / The Long Game:,阿黛琳每天都貫徹她數年以來的上班流程:起床,開車去邁阿密火焰足球隊打卡,試圖看起來很忙,然後打卡下班。沒錯,她是一個擺爛的球隊經理。直到一天,
ISBN13 / 9781668011300
ISBN10 / 1668011301
EAN / 9781668011300
誠品26碼 / 2682369563006
頁數 / 448
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X13.5X2.8CM
級別 / N:無
